Request Medical Records

To request a copy of your UNM Health System medical records, fill out a form in English [PDF], Spanish [PDF] or Vietnamese [PDF]. This gives us permission to share your health information. You must fill out all fields and initial where requested.

You can also view, download, and share parts of your UNM health using MyUNM Health, UNM’s patient portal. For help creating a new account, call 505-272-2141.

Sign up for your myUNM Health Patient Portal account today!

Use your computer or mobile device to sign up

  • You must be at least 14 years old.
  • You must have your own personal email and the email address must be in your UNM Health record. Please call your clinic to update or add your email address.
Sign up for your myUNM Health Patient Portal account today!

UNM Hospital Medical Records

The medical records office is located on the first floor of the main hospital. UNM Hospital can release records for UNM Hospital, UNM Sandoval Regional Medical Center (SRMC) and the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Hours: Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
For questions and fees, call: 505-384-6661
Medical records requests fax: 505-272-0468
Imaging requests fax: 505-272-6608

UNM Sandoval Regional Medical Center Records

The medical records office is located at SRMC, and can release records for SRMC, UNM Hospital and the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Hours: Monday–Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
For questions and fees, call: 505-994-7292
Medical records and imaging requests fax: 505-994-7288

UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center Records

In accordance with HIPAA regulations, you may request copies of your medical records for personal use. Contact our medical records office at 505-925-0106 for more information.

Access myUNM Health Patient Portal

See appointments, lab results and more through our electronic medical records system.

Health Information Exchange

A Health Information Exchange (HIE) is an electronic system which allows your care team to share and view healthcare information between other doctors, hospitals or clinics.

  • New Mexico has several Health Information Exchanges.
  • HIEs can give your care team a better picture of your overall healthcare.

Federal and state laws allow and sometimes require health systems to share information to HIEs automatically. However, you can sometimes refuse to share your information to a HIE.

Please remember HIEs are intended to give your care team at UNM more information about your overall health, which allows us to provide better care for you.