When you contact NM-ABC for a consult, we ask a few quick questions and then connect you with the most appropriate specialist-- our team includes child and adolescent psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers. You are generally connected the same day, unless another day is more convenient for you. A consult might be a quick 5-minute question, or a longer conversation about a complex situation.
No, NM-ABC offers consultation and training for healthcare providers and professionals who work with children and youth. Families are welcome to let their providers know about NM-ABC services, if they feel that might be helpful.
NM-ABC is not an emergency service, so providers should follow their usual emergency procedures and/or call 911 or 988 (National Suicide Lifeline) for any immediate risk. But NM-ABC can assist with ongoing consultation for that youth after the immediate crisis, and NM-ABC can also offer training about suicide screening and safety planning.
No, you do not need patient authorization or consent to consult with a specialist. Provider-to-provider consultation is covered within the boundaries of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).
Yes, if you have a question or concern related to a child’s behavior, development or mental health, feel free to contact us (no diagnosis necessary). If we are unable to answer your questions, we can direct you to an appropriate service.
Not at this time. We are exploring this possibility for the future. Currently, if psychiatric services are recommended, we can assist in identifying community resources/referrals.
Yes. NM-ABC is a federally-funded partnership between the UNM Center for Development and Disability and the NM Department of Health; this allows us to provide free services for providers and professionals.
Request a Consult
For more information: nmabc@salud.unm.edu or call 505-272-3459. Contact our team for recommendations about medications, treatment options, challenging behaviors, resources and more.