
Dr. Belmonte received a B.S. in Biology with a minor in Spanish, followed by his Doctor of Medicine degree all from the University of New Mexico. He completed his Pediatrics Residency at Phoenix Children's Hospital, after which he stayed on to complete a Chief Resident/Junior Faculty year. He has been with the UNM Department of Pediatrics, Division of Hospital Medicine since 2015.

Personal Statement

My parents immigrated to this country as young adults searching for a better life. Their story, their experiences, their love for me and my siblings are one of the biggest driving forces behind my career. I have early recollections of going to the doctor frequently for shortness of breath. My mother knew that my frequent cough and wheeze were more than just a virus. She would plead in Spanish first, the physicians we encountered used their limited Spanish, the end result inaccurate patient histories. For years this went on. As I grew and as my English improved my physicians could more reliably use my own account of my symptoms, ultimately leading to a diagnosis of Asthma when I was in middle school. It was not until I was in medical school that I realized that I had been suffering from asthma for years before my formal diagnosis. These experiences have informed my clinical, teaching, and mentorship activities. They are all deeply rooted in a simple truth: all children have a right to scientifically sound, equitable, and culturally sensitive medical care.


Certification #1 [American Board of Pediatrics]




  • English
  • Spanish