Bolt earned a B.S. in Biology in 2003 from the University of Northern Colorado and a Ph.D. in Pharmacology and Toxicology in 2012 from the University of Arizona. Followed by a postdoctoral fellowship at McGill University from 2012-2017.
Personal Statement
I have always been fascinated with figuring out how things work and finding out why. This inquisitiveness has really driven my career in science education. When I was in graduate school I started to learn about the field of environmental toxicology and the importance of researching how chemical we are exposed to in the environment can cause toxicity and lead to disease. I quickly got excited about this field because it marries my love for nature and my love for science!
Areas of Specialty
Metals Toxicology
PhD, University of Arizona, 2012 (Pharmacology and Toxicology)
BS. University of Colorado, 2003 (Biology)
Achievements & Awards
Regent?s Lecturer for the University of New Mexico, College of Pharmacy, 2020 - 2023
UNM CCC American Cancer Society Institutional Research Pilot Award Recipient, 2019
Key Publications
Journal Article
Chou, H, Grant, M, P Bolt, Alicia, M Guilbert, C, Plourde, D, Mwale, F, Mann, K, K 2020 Tungsten increases sex-specific osteoclast differentiation in murine bone. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology
Journal Article
Bolt, Alicia, M Sabourin, V, Molina, M, F Police, A, M Negro Silva, L, F Plourde, D, Lemaire, M, Ursini-Siegel, J, Mann, K, K 2015 Tungsten targets the tumor microenvironment to enhance breast cancer metastasis. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology, vol. 143, Issue 1, 165-77
Journal Article
Medina, S, Lauer, F, T Castillo, E, F Bolt, Alicia, M Ali, A, S Liu, Ke, J Burchiel, Scott, W 2020 Exposures to uranium and arsenic alter intraepithelial and innate immune cells in the small intestine of male and female mice. Toxicology and applied pharmacology, vol. 403
Journal Article
Zhou, Xixi, Medina, S, Bolt, Alicia, M Zhang, H, Wan, Guanghua, Xu, H, Lauer, F, T Wang, S, C Burchiel, Scott, W Liu, Ke, J 2020 Inhibition of red blood cell development by arsenic-induced disruption of GATA-1. Scientific reports, vol. 10, Issue 1, 19055
Journal Article
Wu, T, H Bolt, Alicia, M Chou, H, Plourde, D, De Jay, N, Guilbert, C, Young, Y, K Kleinman, C, L Mann, K, K 2019 Tungsten Blocks Murine B Lymphocyte Differentiation and Proliferation Through Downregulation of IL-7 Receptor/Pax5 Signaling. Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology, vol. 170, Issue 1, 45-56
Courses Taught
PHRM 305/805: Pathophysiology and Immunology - Innate and Adaptive Immunity, and Immunological Disease Pathophysiology
PHRM 825: Integrated Pharmacotherapy II - Pharmacology of Estrogens and Progestins, Pharmacology of Osteoporosis Drugs, Pathophysisology and Pharmacology of Rheumatoid Arthritis
PHRM 847: Integrated Pharmacotherapy VII - Antibody-Based Cancer Therapies
PHRM 580: General Toxicology - Immunotoxicology
Research and Scholarship
Bolt?s research is focused on metal toxicology using both in vitro and in vivo models. Her current research interests are on investigating the molecular mechanisms driving how the metal tungsten can advance tumor progression by targeting the surround tumor microenvironment and how inhalation of tungsten metal particles enhances inflammation and alters fibroblasts, leading to lung diseases. In addition, she is currently investigating how inhalation exposures to mixed-metal mine waste leads to pulmonary immune dysfunction and altered fibroblast function, as part of the UNM Metals Superfund program. Bolt has extensive experience using primary cell differentiation models and multi-parameter flow cytometry as tools to characterize metal-induced toxicity and disease states.
Medina S, Lauer FT, Castillo EF, Bolt AM, Ali AS, Liu KJ, and Burchiel SW. Exposure to uranium and arsenic alter intraepithelial and innate immune cells in the small intestines of male and female mice. TAAP. 2020.
Guilbert C, Chou H, Bolt AM, Wu TH, Lou VM, Orthwein A, and Mann KK. A functional assay to assess toxicity during murine B cell development in vitro. Curr Protoc Toxicol. 2020 Mar; 83(1).
Wu TH*, Bolt AM*, Chou H, Plourde D, De Jay N, Guilbert C, Young YK, Kleinman CL and Mann KK. Tungsten blocks B cell differentiation and proliferation through down-regulation of the IL-7 receptor signaling. Tox Sci. 2019 Jul 1;170(1):45-56. * Co-first Authors.
Bolt AM, Sabourin V, Flores Molina M, Police AM, Negro Silva LF, Plourde D, Lemaire M, Ursini-Siegel J, and Mann KK. Tungsten targets the tumor microenvironment to enhance breast cancer metastasis. Toxicol. Sci. 2015 Jan;143(1):165-77 Epub 2014 October 15th.