
Dr. Judy Cannon obtained her B.A. from the University of California at Berkeley in both Molecular Cell Biology and Political Science (1995), then an M.S. from San Francisco State University and Ph.D. in Immunology from the University of Chicago (2003). She completed her postdoctoral training also at the University of Chicago and joined the faculty at University of New Mexico School of Medicine in 2010.

Personal Statement

My laboratory studies immune responses focusing on how T cells function to clear infection including influenza infection in the lung. We focus on understanding T cell function, in particular, how T cell movements in tissues such as the lung and lymph nodes affects immune clearance of infection. Using a combination of cutting-edge in-vivo imaging techniques and computational modeling, we quantitatively define how T cells move in tissues such as lung. We have developed sophisticated quantitative analysis and modeling tools to quantitatively determine how T cells search for targets in tissues. We have identified microenvironmental influences that impact T cell motion. Using novel quantitative tools developed by our group, we show that T cells use structures and cells within the tissue microenvironment to more effectively search for pathogen and clear infection.

Areas of Specialty

Infectious Disease
Fluorescence Imaging
Quantitative and computational immunology

Key Publications

Journal Article
Moses, M, E Cannon, Judy, Gordon, D, M Forrest, S, 2019 Distributed Adaptive Search in T Cells: Lessons From Ants. Frontiers in immunology, vol. 10
Journal Article
Fricke, G, M Letendre, K, A Moses, M, E Cannon, Judy, 2016 Persistence and Adaptation in Immunity: T Cells Balance the Extent and Thoroughness of Search. PLoS computational biology, vol. 12, Issue 3, e1004818
Journal Article
Tasnim, H, Fricke, G, M Byrum, J, R Sotiris, J, O Cannon, Judy, Moses, M, E 2018 Quantitative Measurement of Na‹ve T Cell Association With Dendritic Cells, FRCs, and Blood Vessels in Lymph Nodes. Frontiers in immunology, vol. 9


Not Available


  • English

Courses Taught

Biomed 508-Cell Biology
Biomed 514-Immunobiology
Microbiology and Immunology Block in Undergraduate Medical Education Phase I

Research and Scholarship

Melanie E Moses, Steven Hofmeyr, Judy L Cannon, Akil Andrews, Rebekah Gridley, Monica Hinga, Kirtus Leyba, Abigail Pribisova, Vanessa Surjadidjaja, Humayra Tasnim, Stephanie Forrest. 2021. Spatially distributed infection increases viral load in a computational model of SARS-CoV-2 lung infection. PLoS Comput Biol Dec 23;17(12):e1009735. doi: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009735. PMID: 34941862 PMCID: PMC8740970

Melanie E. Moses, Judy L Cannon*, Deborah M. Gordon, Stephanie Forrest. 2019. Distributed adaptive search in T cells: Lessons from ants. Frontiers in Immunology. Jun 13;10:1357. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2019.01357. *corresponding author. PMID: 31263465 PMCID: PMC6585175

Emily A Thompson; Jason S Mitchell; Lalit K Beura; David Torres; Paulus Mrass; Mark J Pierson; Judy L. Cannon; Dave Masopust; Brian T Fife; Vaiva Vezys. 2019. Interstitial migration of CD8?? T cells in the small intestine is dictated by environmental cues. Cell Reports. Mar 12;26(11):2859-2867.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2019.02.034. PMID: 30865878

Mrass, P., Oruganti, S.R., Fricke, G.M., Tafoya, J., Byrum, J. Yang, L., Hamilton, S.L., Miller, M.J., Moses, M.E., Cannon, J.L. 2017. ROCK regulates the intermittent mode of interstitial T cell migration in inflamed lungs. Nature Communications. 8(1): 1010. doi:10.1038/s41467-017-01032-2.

Oruganti, S.R., Torres, D. J., Krebsbach, S., Winters, J., Asperti-Boursin, F., Matlawska-Wasowska, K., Winter, S.S., Halsey, C., Cannon, J.L. 2017. CARMA1 is a novel regulator of T-ALL cell migration to the CNS. Leukemia. doi: 10.1038/leu.2016.272.