
B.S. Dalian Nationalities University, 2009
Ph.D. Nankai University, 2015
Postdoctoral Training, University of New Mexico, 2020
Research Assistant Professor, University of New Mexico, 2022


Personal Statement

My research interests focus on the roles of cellular stress responses in human diseases. Current focus is the roles of lysosomes and stress granules in innate immunity. We recently demonstrated the first evidence that lysosomal damage induces stress granule formation, which opens a new field of study and will be of relevance for multiple disease states. My lab will detail the regulatory and functional pathways of this new observation and reveal the relationship between stress granules and damaged lysosomes, which could extend the network of lysosomal damage responses and bring a paradigm shift in the current knowledge of cell stress responses.

Areas of Specialty

Lysosomal Homeostasis; Cellular Stress Response; Cellular Signal Transduction; Stress granule; mTOR; AMPK; Autophagy


B.S., M.D., Ph.D.

Achievements & Awards

Best Poster Award, 9th International Symposium on Autophagy, Taipei, Taiwan (2019); Presentation at 2019 AIM Mini-Symposium, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA




  • Mandarin
  • English

Research and Scholarship

Jia J., Wang F., Bhujabal Z., Peters R., Mudd M., Duque T., Allers L., Javed R., Salemi M., Behrends C., Phinney B., Johansen T., Deretic V. Stress granules and mTOR are regulated by membrane atg8ylation during lysosomal damage. J Cell Biol. 2022 Nov 7; 221(11): e202207091.
Jia, J., Bissa, B., Brecht, L., Allers, L., Choi, S., Gu, Y., Zbinden, M., Burge, M.,Timmins, G., Hallows, K.,Behrends, C., Deretic, V. (2020). AMPK, a key regulator of metabolism and autophagy, is activated by lysosomal damage via a novel galectin-directed ubiquitin signal transduction system. Molecular Cell. Molecular Cell 77, 1-19.
Jia, J., Claude-Taupin, A., Gu, Y., Choi, S., Peters, R., Bissa, B., Mudd, M., Allers, L., Pallikkuth, S., Lidke, K., Salemi, M., Phinney, B., Mari, M., Reggiori, F., Deretic, V. (2020). Galectin-3 Coordinates a Cellular System for Lysosomal Repair and Removal. Developmental Cell, 52(1), 69-87.
Jia, J., Abudu, Y.P., Claude-Taupin, A., Gu, Y., Kumar, S., Choi, S.W., Peters, R., Mudd, M.H., Allers, L., Salemi, M., et al. (2018). Galectins Control mTOR in Response to Endomembrane Damage. Molecular Cell 70, 120-135.e8.