Dr. Cullen received a B.A. in Psychobiology (2001) from Hastings College in Hastings, Nebraska. She completed her Doctor of Medicine degree (2005) from the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Following her MD degree she completed 5 years of residency in general psychiatry and a child psychiatry fellowship at the University of New Mexico.
Personal Statement
My career focus has been the treatment of children and adolescents with psychiatric illness and the education of future physicians and psychiatrists. I have spent my career at the University of New Mexico. I have had a wide variety of clinical roles include child psychiatric inpatient attending, inpatient pediatric consultation-liaison psychiatry, emergency psychiatry, and child psychiatric outpatient medical director, I also spent 2 years as the child psychiatry fellowship training director. My current role is Vice Chair for the child psychiatric division of the Department of Psychiatry. I have interest and involvement in improving systems of care and hold the role of Quality and Safety officer for child psychiatry, in addition to being involved in the Behavioral Health Informatics Committee and Physician Advisory group.
Areas of Specialty
1. Suicide risk reduction
2. Child and adolescent mood disorders
4. Children and adolescents psychiatric emergencies
Achievements & Awards
Chair, University of New Mexico School of Medicine Committee on Student Promotions and Evaluation
- English
Courses Taught
Medical student
-Neurodevelopmental seminar to 1st year medical students, 2019
-Lead a treatment based learning application (TBL) on neurodevelopmental disorders for Phase 1 medical students during the neurosciences block, 2018
-PBL tutor during 1st year medical student neurosciences block, 2013-2015
-Lead small group teaching for 1st year medical students for motivational interviewing, taking a sexual history, and doing a mental status exam, starting 2010 to 2015
-Helped administer the 3rd year medical student oral exam once per month 2014-2015
-Introduction to child psychiatry lecture to 1st year medical students 2014
-Monthly lecture on bipolar disorder to medical students in 2012 only
-Preceptor for Medicine in New Mexico 4th year medical student rotation, 2021
Psychiatry resident
-Didactics on Intellectual disabilities, Oppositional defiant disorder, Conduct disorder, Oppositional defiant disorder, Parent management training, Tic disorders, Childhood psychosis and Autism to 3rd year psychiatry residents-2010-2015
-M and M conference November 2013, ?Psychotic depression, OCD and repeat suicide attempts in a 14 yo female?
-M and M conference, February 2017, ?The unreliable parent- a possible case of Factitious disorder imposed on another?
-M and M conference, May 2018 ?Childhood suicide?
Child psychiatry fellow
-Co-lead neuropsychiatry seminar series for child psychiatry fellows 2017 to present
Lectures on psychoneuroimmunology, neurophysiology of ADHD, neurophysiology of depression, neurophysiology of bipolar disorder, neurophysiology of encopresis/enuresis, neurophysiology of sleep, neurophysiology of anxiety disorders
-Annual 3 week didactic series, ?Seminal articles in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry?, 2018 to present
-Annual 4 week didactic series, ?Developmental bootcamp? 2014-16
-Annual 4 week didactic series, ?Interviewing for the child psychiatrist?2014 to 2017
-Annual 4 week didactic series on ?Coping cat for anxiety? 2012-2016
-Annual 4 week didactic series, ?Child Prite preparation? 2014-2016
-Annual lectures on Margaret Mahler and Melanie Klein 2011-2016
-Organizing 8-week school based health didactic series 2012-2017
-Organized ?Patient for a day experience? for incoming child psychiatry fellows in 2010 and 2013
-Journal Club, May 2021. ?Shaping the future of child and adolescent psychiatry.?
Psychology interns
-Introduction to mood stabilizers, 1 hour didactic, yearly, 2011-2015
Pediatric residents
-1 hour Didactic on Disruptive Behavior Disorders, April 2018
-1 hour Didactic on Suicide in child and adolescents, 2018
-I hour Didactic on ADHD and Disruptive Behavior Disorders, October 2020
Research and Scholarship
2021: Trends in Psychiatry Emergency Presentation in Children and Adolescents. Clinical and Translational Science Center Pilot Grant. Chandra Cullen M.D., Rhoshel Lenroot M.D.
2016: Evaluating suicidal and non-suicidal self-injury in a rural setting. Conference presentation at AADPRT annual conference, March 4th, 2016, Austin, Texas. Authors Cullen, Chandra M.D., Danner, Katharine M.D, Monthan, Gabriel M.D.
2015: A complex presentation of pediatric neuroleptic malignant syndrome related to polypharmacy in a 12 year old male.? Journal of child and adolescent psychopharmacology, Volume 25 (6 ). July 2015, pgs. 1-3. Chandra Cullen M.D, Nathaniel Sharon M.D., Kara Martinez M.D.
2010: ?Participant Observation of the In-patient Child Psychiatry Milieu; A Patient for the Day Experience.? Poster presented at the AADPRT annual conference, March 10th through March 14th, 2010, Orlando, Florida. Authors Cullen, Chandra, M.D., Saad, Beena, M.D., and Bereiter, Jeanne, M.D.
2008: Antidepressant-induced sweating alleviated by Aripiprazole. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology. Volume 28(6), December 2008, pgs. 710-711. Authors: Lu, Brett, M.D., PhD; Cullen, Chandra, M.D.; Eide, Carla, M.D.; Williams, Cynthia, M.D.; Apfeldorf, William J., M.D., PhD.