Seth Daly received a B.S. degree in Biology (2007) and an M.S. degree in Biology (2010) from the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. He earned his Doctor of Philosophy degree in Biomedical Science (2015) from the University of New Mexico. Following his Ph.D. Dr. Daly completed a 2-year post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and a 3-year post-doctoral fellowship at the University of New Mexico. Following these fellowships Dr. Daly was recently appointed as a Research Assistant Professor at the University of New Mexico in the College of Pharmacy Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
Personal Statement
I have always been drawn to microbiology and infectious disease. My first graduate degree was involved with studying small molecules that inhibited Gram-positive bacterial growth. I continued that path with my doctoral degree studying non-antibacterial methods of preventing bacterial pathogenesis. I then broadened my horizons into the Gram-negative bacteria and studied antisense antibacterial compounds before returning to work with the Gram-negatives.
Throughout my career I have sought teaching opportunities as both a lab instructor, lecturer and leader of a journal club. I am hopeful to find new avenues to pursue my interest in teaching.
Areas of Specialty
Vaccine design
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
PhD, University of New Mexico, 2015 (Biomedical Science)
MS, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, 2010 (Biology)
BS, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology , 2007 (Biology)
Basic Life Support (CPR, AED)
Achievements & Awards
American Society for Microbiology, 2010-present
Peggy Cotter Travel Grant for ASM Microbe, 2019
Key Publications
Journal Article
Chopra, R, Shaikh, S, Chatzinoff, Y, Munaweera, I, Cheng, B, Daly, Seth, Xi, Y, Bing, C, Burns, D, Greenberg, D, E 2017 Employing high-frequency alternating magnetic fields for the non-invasive treatment of prosthetic joint infections. Scientific reports, vol. 7, Issue 1, 7520
Journal Article
Daly, Seth, Joyner, J, A Triplett, K, D Elmore, B, O Pokhrel, S, Frietze, K, M Peabody, D, S Chackerian, B, Hall, Pamela, R 2017 VLP-based vaccine induces immune control of Staphylococcus aureus virulence regulation. Scientific reports, vol. 7, Issue 1, 637
Journal Article
Bose, J, L Daly, Seth, Hall, Pamela, R Bayles, K, W 2014 Identification of the Staphylococcus aureus vfrAB operon, a novel virulence factor regulatory locus. Infection and immunity, vol. 82, Issue 5, 1813-22
Journal Article
Daly, Seth, Elmore, B, O Kavanaugh, J, S Triplett, K, D Figueroa, M, Raja, H, A El-Elimat, T, Crosby, H, A Femling, J, K Cech, N, B Horswill, A, R Oberlies, N, H Hall, Pamela, R 2015 ?-Hydroxyemodin limits staphylococcus aureus quorum sensing-mediated pathogenesis and inflammation. Antimicrobial agents and chemotherapy, vol. 59, Issue 4, 2223-35
Journal Article
Ayhan, D, H Tamer, Y, T Akbar, M, Bailey, S, M Wong, M, Daly, Seth, Greenberg, D, E Toprak, E, 2016 Sequence-Specific Targeting of Bacterial Resistance Genes Increases Antibiotic Efficacy. PLoS biology, vol. 14, Issue 9, e1002552
- Spanish
Courses Taught
2007-2010 - General Biology Laboratories (Intro, Microbiology, Ecology, and Molecular)
2018-Current - PHRM 703 - Pharmacy Calculations
2020-Current - PHRM 593 - Host-Pathogen Journal Club
2023-Current - PHRM 105 - Introduction to Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences
2023-Current - PHRM 711 - Cholinergics
2023-Current - PHRM 735 - Antibacterials
Research and Scholarship
1. Moustafaa, D.A., Wu, A.W., Zamora, D., Daly S.M., Sturge, C.R., Pybus, C., Geller, B.L., Goldberg, J.B., and Greenberg, D.E. Peptide-conjugated Phosphorodiamidate Morpholino Oligomers Retain Activity Against Multidrug-Resistant Pseudomonas aeru-ginosa in vitro and in vivo. In preparation.
2. Pokhrel, S., Triplett, K.D., Daly, S.M., Joyner, J.A., Sharma, G., Hathaway, H.J., Prossnitz, E.R., Hall, P.R. Complement Receptor 3 contributes to the sexual dimor-phism in neutrophil killing of Staphylococcus aureus. J Immun. ji2000545; DOI: 10.4049/jimmunol.2000545.
3. Joyner J.A., Daly S.M., Peabody J., Triplett K.D., Pokhrel S., Elmore B.O., Adebanjo D., Peabody D.S., Chackerian B., Hall P.R. Vaccination with VLPs Presenting a Linear Neutralizing Domain of S. aureus Hla Elicits Protective Immunity. Toxins 2020, 12(7), 450; (registering DOI)
4. Ridder M.J.*, Daly, S.M.*, Triplett, K.D., Seawell, N.A., Hall, P.R., Bose, J.L. (2020) Staphylococcus aureus fatty acid kinase FakA modulates pathogenesis during skin in-fection via proteases aureolysin and SspAB. Infect. Immun. Jun 2020, IAI.00163-20; DOI: 10.1128/IAI.00163-20
5. Triplett K.D., Pokhrel S., Castleman M.J., Daly S.M., Elmore B.O., Joyner J.A., Sharma G., Herbert G., Campen M.J., Hathaway H.J., Prossnitz E.R. and P.R. Hall. (2019) GPER activation protects against epithelial barrier disruption by Staphylococcus aureus ?-toxin. Sci. Rep. 4;9(1):1343.