Dr. Erdei earned a Biology and Human Medicine M. Sc. Hons. (1991) and a Ph.D. in Immunology from the Eotvos Lorand University at Budapest, Hungary (2003). She also has also M. Ed in Biology Education and a MPH degree from the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center (2010).
Personal Statement
I have been dedicating my research and work to solving public health problems, especially environmental health issues concerning minorities, rural communities across the US and worldwide. Through environmental health research, I have the honor to support underrepresented communities without a voice in science, decision making & in creation of public health policies.
Areas of Specialty
Autoimmune diseases and autoimmunity
Human and community immunotoxicology
Exposure and health effect biomarkers
MPH, University of New Mexico, 2010 (Pharmacy Health)
PhD, Eotvos Lorand University at Budapest, 2003 (Immunology)
MSc Hons, Eotvos Lorand University at Budapest, 1991 (Biology and Human Medicine)
Biology and Life Sciences Teaching
Certified in Allergen and Pollen Monitoring by the National Allergy Bureau and the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
Achievements & Awards
Sept 2000 - ?Pro Hygiene? Award, Hungarian National Public Health
Award, National Institute of Environmental Health
Jun 2003- current - Elected member of the Immunology Committee of
the Hungarian National Academy of Sciences
Nov 2019 - UNM HSC Clinical Translational Science Center Faculty
Excellence Team Science Award CTSC/CTSA
Key Publications
Journal Article
Roberts, Melissa, Erdei, Esther, O 2019 Comparative United States autoimmune disease rates for 2010-2016 by sex, geographic region and race Autoimmune Reviews, vol. 19, Issue 1, 1-9
Book Chapter
Erdei, Esther, O MacKenzie, Debra, A 2020 Environmental Immunology Elsevier
Journal Article
Erdei, Esther, Shuey, Chris, Miller, Curtis, Pacheco, Bernadette, Cajero, Miranda, Lewis, Johnnye , Rubin, Robert, 2019 Elevated Markers of Autoimmunity in Residents Living Near to Abandoned Uranium Mines on the Navajo Nation - Results from the DiNEH study Journal of Autoimmunity , vol. 99
Journal Article
Harmon, M, E Lewis, Johnnye, L Miller, Curtis, P Hoover, J, Ali, A, S Shuey, C, Cajero, M, Lucas, S, Zychowski, K, Pacheco, B, Erdei, Esther, O Ramone, S, Nez, T, Gonzales, M, Campen, Matthew, J 2017 Residential proximity to abandoned uranium mines and serum inflammatory potential in chronically exposed Navajo communities. Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology
Journal Article
Erdei, Esther, O Scammell, Madeleine , Sennett, Caryn , Laws, Rebecca , Rubin, Robert, Brooks, Daniel, Amador, Juan, Lopez-Pilarte, Damaris, Lewis, Johnnye, Friedman, David , McClean, Michael, 2020 Urinary metals concentrations and biomarkers of autoimmunity among Navajo and Nicaraguan men International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health , vol. 17, Issue 15, 5236.
- Hungarian
- German
- French
- Russian
Courses Taught
Previously favorite class Immunology for Phase I medical students SOM
Research and Scholarship
Erdei has been working on various public health problems for her entire scientific career in Europe and in the USA. She is an expert in molecular epidemiology, immunology, autoimmune molecular markers and environmental health research involving air pollution and health effects, asthma research and inflammatory responses. Her research focuses on integrating benchtop immune biomarkers with community participatory research approaches among underserved and underrepresented communities in the United States, Latin America and Europe. Her recent works are centered on various immunological effects of smoking, chronic, low-level exposures to mercury and other heavy metals originated from mine waste exposures in Tribal communities in the Southwest and Midwest United States .