
Anthony Fleg is a family medicine physician here at UNM in the Dept of Family and Community Medicine and the College of Population Health. His work centers on the premise that people and communities know their own healing, possess their own medicine, and that the role of us healers is simply to empower people to find their own healing. Dr. Fleg is a proud father of 4 children, a poet, and not surprisingly, he is an avid runner.

Personal Statement

I very much associate with the ideal of being a healer. Someone who listens, comforts, finds what people do well, and after all of this, become a partner in their wellness and health journey.

I bring this approach toward strength-based medicine to our UNM HSC, developing scholarship and course content in this realm.

My work also involves getting our HSC students beyond the clinic walls, seeing health from a perspective that our community leaders and our patients can teach, if we take the time and interest to listen.

A few links to my writing and my community health work:

Writing to Heal

Running Medicine

Native Health Initiative

Areas of Specialty

Strength-based approaches to health
Indigenous health
Mind, body and spirit wellness
Empowering families and communities to physical activity
Community engagement within medical education


American Board of Family Medicine, 2013-

Achievements & Awards

2016 Community Leadership Award, U.S. President̢۪s Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition


  • English

Courses Taught

Practical Immersion Experience (PIE)
Health of New Mexico
Specialty Exploration Experience (SEE)
Continuity Clinic (CC)

Research and Scholarship

Fleg, et al. Running Medicine: Mind, Body, and Spirit Wellness Through Walking and Running. Annals of Family Medicine (2019).

Fleg. Immersion into Community: How and why to make it happen. Presented at 2019 WONCA World Rural Health Conference, 2018 WGEA (AAMC) Conference and at 2017 UNM HSC Education Day.

Fleg. Turning from deficits to strengths: A strength-based approach to teaching clinical and community health. Presented at APHA Annual Meeting 2020, UNM HSC 2019 Education Day, 2019 WGEA Conference, 2019 WONCA World Rural Health Conference.

Fleg. Community Asset Mapping: Empowering Patients and Communities to Greater Health.
APHA Annual Meeting 2020, Beyond Flexner Conference 2015, Medical College of Virginia School of Medicine 2014, Indiana University School of Public Health 2015.