
Dr. Liu received a B.S. degree in Chemistry (1993) from Hunan Normal University, China. She earned her Doctor degree in Biochemistry (2004) from Xiangya School of Medicine, Central South University, China. Following her PhD degree she completed her postdoc training at the University of Texas Health at San Antonio.

Personal Statement

Dr. Liu has a longstanding interest in adipose biology and adipocyte physiology. She has devoted her research to the study of thermogenic programing and adipose tissue inflammation since she began her independent academic career in 2014. her current study mainly focuses on adipose cell-cell signaling in the context of obesity and inflammation.
NCBI Bibliography ???

Areas of Specialty

Obesity; diabetes; adipocyte; inflammation; signaling

Achievements & Awards

2017 Research Excellence Award for Junior Faculty, UNMHSC
Innovative Basic Research Award from American Diabetes Association
Grant-in-Aid award from American Heart Association
Junior Faculty Award from American Diabetes Association
Beginning Grant-in-Aid award from American Heart Association
The Excellent Ph.D. Student Award, Central South University, China
The Excellent Graduate Student Award, Central South University, China,
1st Place, Science and Technology Association Thesis, Hunan, China


  • English
  • Chinese


Visit the Liu Lab

Courses Taught

Biochemistry of Disease
Bouchonville Endo Block
GI Nutrition and Metabolism

Research and Scholarship

1) understanding mTORC1 in the recruitment and activation of brown and beige adipocytes;
2) adiponectin assembly and signaling transduction;
3) recruitment and regulation of group 2 innate lymphoid cell (ILC2)
4) understanding adipose cell-cell communication under physiological and pathological conditions