Luo received her Ph.D. in Biostatistics from The University of Texas School of Public Health.
Personal Statement
I have a background and training in biostatistics with expertise in statistical genomics and environmental statistics. My collaborative research includes working with cancer researchers, clinicians, basic scientists, and epidemiologists through implementation of statistical models to determine the genetic and environmental factors that are associated with the risk, progression and survival of cancer and other complex diseases. My statistical methodological research interests are to develop statistical methods and devise analytical and computational strategies for large-scale genomic studies of complex diseases and environmental health studies.
Areas of Specialty
Statistical Genomics
Environmental Statistics
Courses Taught
BIOM 505-001: Introduction to Biostatistics
BME 518: Introduction to Bioinformatics
Research and Scholarship
1. Luo L.* Kang H.*, Li X., Ness S.A., Stidley C.A. 2020, Two-step mixed model approach to analyzing differential alternative RNA splicing. (* co first author) PLoS One. 15(10):e0232646. Epub 2020/10/10. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0232646.
2. Luo L. Lee J. and Hudson L. and Lewis J. 2019, Two-step approach for assessing the health effects of environmental chemical mixtures: Application to the Navajo Birth Cohort Study. Environmental Health 18:46.
3. Thomas N.E., Busam K.J., From L., Kricker A., Armstrong B.K., Anton-Culver H., Gruber S.B., Gallagher R.P., Zanetti R., Rosso S., Dwyer T., Venn A., Kanetsky P.A., Groben P.A., Hao H., Orlow I., Reiner A.S., Luo L., Paine S., Ollila D.W., Wilcox H., Begg C.B., Berwick M., and The GEM Study Group. 2013, Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte Grade in Primary Melanomas is Independently Associated with Melanoma-Specific Survival in the Population-Based GEM Study. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 31(33):4252-4259.
4. Kbel M., Luo L., Grevers X., Lee S., Brooks-Wilson A., Gilks B., Le N., Cook L. 2018, Ovarian carcinoma histotype: strengths and limitations of integrating morphology with immunohistochemical predictions. International Journal of Gynecological Pathology, doi: 10.1097/PGP.0000000000000530. PMID: 29901523.
5. Luo L., Boerwinkle E. and Xiong M. 2011, Association studies for next-generation sequencing. Genome Research, 21(7):1099-1108.