
Dr. Marlar is working part-time as Professor in Pathology where he serves as Medical Director of Coagulation at University Hospital. He has worked in the field of clinical coagulation and overseen clinical laboratories for over 40 years. He retired in 2015 as Director of Clinical Pathology at the Oklahoma City VA Medical Center and Professor of Pathology at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, where he served as Medical Director of Coagulation and Special Coagulation at three hospitals. Dr. Marlar established and has overseen Special Coagulation Laboratories at seven medical centers. He has conducted basic science, epidemiological and clinical research in coagulation and hemostasis, specializing in the areas of the protein C/protein S system, pre-analytical variables and coagulation testing.

Personal Statement

Dr. Marlar has served on numerous organization?s working and leadership coagulation committees, including International Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis- Scientific and Standardization Committee, International Society of Laboratory Hematology, North American Special Coagulation Laboratory Association, Clinical Laboratory Standardization Institute (Coagulation Committee, and Hematology Oversight Committee), and the External Quality Assurance in Thrombosis and Hemostasis.