Personal Statement
I have a broad background in social ecology, with specific training in clinical medicine, health services research, and health psychology. As PI or Co-I on several extra-/intra-mural funded grants, I have laid the groundwork for the cancer control and population sciences research by developing expertise in participatory research, developing/testing of cancer early detection and prevention interventions, and understanding challenges to recruiting minorities to interventional trials.
I am Project Director (PD) for a trial that is testing the effectiveness of multicomponent evidence-based interventions to enhance colorectal cancer (CRC) screening among American Indians (AIs) in the Southern Plains and Southwest United States (NCI: 3P30CA118100-15S4, Willman PI) and led the development of the tri-state American Indian CRC Screening Consortium. I have conducted several translational randomized trials that tested the efficacy of breast and cervical cancer educational/behavioral interventions for diverse groups of women. Findings from these trials indicated significant increases in the odds of self-reported mammogram and Pap smear use in the intervention than the control group.
I am PI (NCI: 1R01CA192967) on a grant that is testing the efficacy of serially implemented interventions of graded intensity to enhance CRC screening uptake among AIs in rural New Mexico. I am the lead on a Development Research Project (NIGMS #P20GM103451, Lucetti PI) and PI (UNMCCC #s: 1402, 1418) on grants that are documenting cancer control needs, and designing and testing interventions to enhance screening for screen-detectable cancers in an AI community. I am co-PD of a project (NCI: 3P30CA118100-15S3) that addresses cancer disparities through training, education, and research in the 7 states comprising NCIs GMaP Region 3 and of a project (NCI: 3P30CA118100-15S2) that disseminates evidence-based CRC information to diverse communities.
I have successfully administered projects, collaborated with community partners and other researchers, and produced several peer-reviewed publications. I direct the UNM HSCs Masters of Science in Clinical Research degree program and teach a course on Research Design. I have a demonstrated record of research accomplishments and a productive research portfolio in the area of community-based, mechanistic translational of cancer early detection and prevention intervention research, all of which have provided me the foundational skills and preparation to serve as co-Leader for the Cancer Control and Population Sciences Research program at the UNM Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Graduate School: University of California, Irvine (1992), Social Ecology