Dr. Moriarta received her Mass Communication and Public Relations, Boston University College of Communication (1986); M.ED. in Counseling and Guidance, Boston University College of Education (1990); M.A. and Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology from the California School of Professional Psychology - Los Angeles (1994; 1996). She completed her one year psychology internship and a two-year post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Southern California Childrens Hospital Los Angeles with specialization in Child/Family Psychology, Child Development and Developmental Disabilities, Infant and Early Childhood Development and Mental Health.
Personal Statement
As a clinical psychologist, my areas of specialization are rooted in an ongoing commitment to promoting the health and well-being of children and families, which we know are inextricably linked. My interest in infant and early childhood, child development and disabilities are grounded in attachment and developmental theories and evidence-based practice. As a leader at the UNM HSC, I am also keenly interested in interdisciplinary clinical training, community capacity-building, and program/ leadership development that supports the health and well-being of New Mexico's children and families.
Areas of Specialty
Child/Family Mental Health Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health/Early Childhood Development Developmental Disabilities Trauma Informed Care Interdisciplinary Clinical Training and Leadership Development
Licensed Clinical Psychologist - NM Infant Mental Health Mentor - Level 4
Achievements & Awards
UNM Department of Pediatrics Faculty Service Award (2016, 2018) Advanced Clinical Seminars in Infant Mental Health Certificate (2015) AUCD Leadership Institute, University of Delaware Certificate (2014) UNM Department of Psychiatry Psychology Award for Excellence in Education (2009) NMAIMH Level 4 Distinguished Infant Mental Health Mentor (2007 to present) UNM Department of Psychiatry Rosembaum Research Award (2004) UNM HSC Children's Psychiatric Center Appreciation for Outstanding Clinical Service to the Children and Families of New Mexico (2004)
- English
Courses Taught
Bridging the Gap: Advanced Training on the impact of adult psychopathology on young children, parent-child interaction and clinicians practicing Child Parent Psychotherapy (2018) Infant Mental Health Theory to Practice: Clinical Seminars (2019) Developmentally-based Interventions, (2004-20015)
Research and Scholarship
Assessing the Impact of an Unexpected and Rapid Transition to Remote Service Provision Due to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, Association of University Centers on Disability Annual Conference, November 2, 2020? Adverse Childhood Experiences and Disability in New Mexico: An Analysis of Data from the National Survey of Children?s Health, Association of University Centers on Disability Annual Conference, November 18, 2019. Moriarta, M.L., MacLean, P.C., Zafran, D., Jacob, S., Graham M., Oppenheimer, J. & Cerros, C. (2016). Development in the Context of Adversity: Models/practices addressing the intersections of development, disability and toxic stress in New Mexico. Poster Presentation at the Association for University Centers on Disability Annual Conference, Washington, DC, December 5, 2016. Hsi, A., Moriarta, M. L., MacLean, P.C., Peebles, P., LaNoue, M., Iglesias, Y., Coloumbe, P, & Rodriguez, S. Reflejos Familiares: A relationship based, comprehensive support service for families affected by substance abuse. Poster Presentation at the Strengthening Connections Conference, Austin, TX, September 2012. Coloumbe, P, MacLean, P.C., Iglesias, Y., Peebles, P., LaNoue, M., His, A., & Moriarta, M. L., Preliminary outcomes of the AIA-funded Reflejos Familiares Project: A qualitative examination of our parenting group. Poster Presentation at the Strengthening Connections Conference, Austin, TX, September 2012. Success and Challenges in Evaluating Very Young Children Using a Relationship-based and Family Centered Perspective: One team?s reflections breakout presentation with MacLean, P. at Southwest Conference on Disability, Albuquerque, NM, October 7, 2010. Duvall S.W., Hill, D., Lopez B., Moriarta, M.L., Mody, N., Efficacy of an outpatient social skills training for individuals with Autism and their parents. Poster Presentation at the International Meeting for Autism Research, May 20, 2010. Lopez, B.R. & Moriarta, M.L. (November, 2007). Meeting the early childhood diagnostic needs in rural New Mexico. Autism Special Interest Group Newsletter, 23(4).