
Gina C. Rowe, PhD, DNP, MPH, FNP-BC, BC-ADM, PHCNS-BC, FNAP, is a clinician educator - associate professor and Assistant Dean of Professional Graduate Programs at the University of New Mexico (UNM) College of Nursing. She previously taught in graduate and undergraduate nursing for 19 years at four other universities in Texas, South Dakota, and Maryland and has practiced as a family nurse practitioner (FNP) for 16 years in multiple community settings, including school-based wellness centers, federally qualified health centers, hospital-affiliated community clinics, home health, retail care, and two mobile clinics, caring for underserved populations. She has precepted over a hundred FNP students in clinical rotations, co-designed interprofessional clinical experiences with other health professions faculty (pharmacy, dentistry, dietetics, and social work), and precepted interprofessional students in team-based care. Her research interests stem from her practice and include interprofessional care to manage chronic conditions, potentially preventable hospital and emergency visits, and place-based health inequities. She has received funding to develop interprofessional clinical experiences for health professions students, including after-school education programs for pediatric obesity prevention and interprofessional team care for complex patients with diabetes and other co-morbidities. Dr. Rowe and colleagues have gained national recognition for demonstrating that patients receiving team-based care can experience significant improvements in health outcomes. She is a Fellow of the National Academies of Practice. Her philosophy of education is based in adult-centered learning concepts and recognizes the importance of problem-centered learning.

Dr. Rowe earned a PhD, DNP and post-masters FNP certificate from the University of Maryland School of Nursing and a Master of Public Health, Master of Science in community nursing, and Bachelor of Science in nursing from the Johns Hopkins University Schools of Public Health and Nursing. She served for two years with the U.S. Peace Corps in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Areas of Specialty

Community Health | Diabetes | Interprofessional Education | Primary Care | Underserved Populations


PhD, University of Maryland-Baltimore, 2013 (Nursing)
DNP, University of Maryland-Baltimore, 2010 (Nursing)
Certificate, University of Maryland-College Park, 2010 (Public Health Informatics)
Certificate, University of Maryland - Baltimore, 2007 (Family Nurse Practitioner)
MSN, Johns Hopkins University, 2002 (Nursing)
MPH, Johns Hopkins University, 2002 (Public Health)
BSN, Johns Hopkins University, 1999 (Nursing)
BA, University of Nebraska-Omaha, 1988 (International Studies)
BA, University of Nebraska-Omaha, 1988 (General Science)


ADM-BC: Advanced Diabetes Management Board Certified
CNE: Certified Nurse Educator
FNP-BC: Family Nurse Practitioner Board Certified
PHCNS-BC: Public/Community Health Clinical Nurse Specialist Board Certified

Achievements & Awards

Distinguished Fellow, 2023, National Academies of Practice in Nursing.
George E. Thibault, MD Nexus Award, 2020, National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, for Montgomery County, MD Interprofessional Team Care Clinics.
?Accelerating Interprofessional Community-Based Education and Practice,? 2016-2018, national grant (one of 16 grantees nationwide) awarded by the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, funded by HRSA, Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, & John A. Hartford Foundation.

Key Publications

Journal Article
Rowe, Gina, C. McShane, Phyllis, Congdon, Heather , B. Pittman, Joan, Rios, Judith, 2023 Impact on diabetes outcomes and team skills of integrating dietetic services into interprofessional education and teamwork in primary care. Chronic Illness
Journal Article
Pittman, J, Congdon, H, B Rowe, Gina, C. Nathanson, B, McShane, P, Shields, R, 2023 Piloting a telehealth interprofessional diabetes clinic during Covid 19: Continuing patient care and student learning. Social Work in Health Care, vol. 62, Issue 2-4, 59-72 https://doi:10.1080/00981389.2023.2183927
Journal Article
Rowe, Gina, C. Congdon, Heather, B. Pittman, Joan, Wiseman, Rebecca, Shields, Rhonique, 2021 Interprofessional education clinics and improved outcomes for primary care patients with diabetes mellitus. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Pracitice, vol. 24
Journal Article
Congdon, Heather, B. Rowe, Gina, C. Pittman, Joan, Goodwin, Jana, 2020 Teaching interprofessional practice skills to nursing, social work and pharmacy students in primary care health centers. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, vol. 21
Journal Article
Rowe, Gina, C. 2019 Geographic variance in Maryland's preventable emergency department visits: Comparison of explanatory models. Western Journal of Nursing Research, vol. 42, Issue 7