Daniel J. Sandoval, PhD is an Assistant Professor and Diagnostic Imaging Physicist for the Department of Radiology at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. He is board certified in Diagnostic Medical Physics from The American Board of Radiology, and is a Certified Imaging Informatics Professional by The American Board of Imaging Informatics. His areas of interest include general radiography, fluoroscopy, interventional fluoroscopy, DXA, Computed Tomography, Forensic Radiology and Imaging, and Informatics. Dr. Sandoval is the Associate Program Director for the UNM Diagnostic Medical Physics Residency Program in which he helps coordinate and train Diagnostic Medical Physics Residents during their two-year residency at UNM.
Personal Statement
In Progress
Areas of Specialty
Specialization #1 Patient Dosimetry in radiography, fluoroscopy, interventional fluoroscopy, and CT modalities Specialization #2 Quality control and assurance in radiography, fluoroscopy, interventional fluoroscopy, and CT modalities Specialization #3 Forensic Radiology and Imaging Specialization #4 Imaging Informatics
Certification #1 Diagnostic Medical Physics Certification #2 American Board of Radiology Certified Imaging Informatics Professional Certification #3 The American Board of Imaging Informatics
Achievements & Awards
Medical Physics Education of Allied Health Professionals Committee of the AAPM - Liaison between American Association of Physicists in Medicine and American Society of Radiologic Technologists, 2014-2020 First Place Poster at International Society of Forensic Radiology and Imaging (ISFRI) Congress, 2015 Top 5 Oral Presentation of International Society of Forensic Radiology and Imaging (ISFRI), Congress, 2014 UNM School of Medicine Dean?s Staff Award, 2008
- English
Courses Taught
MPHY 527/ChNE 527 Radiation Biology for Engineers and Scientists ChNE 516 Medical Imaging Physics 1 BioMed 505 Medical Physics of Oncology Diseases
Research and Scholarship
Kelsey CA, Heintz PH, Sandoval DJ, Chambers GD, Adolphi NL, Paffett KS. Radiation Biology of Medical Imaging. 1 ed: Wiley-Blackwell; Hoboken NJ; 320pgs; 2014 Sandoval, D. J., Heintz P.H., Selwyn, R.G. Utilizing the Exposure Index to Calculate Patient Specific Radiation Doses from Projection Radiography Images. Poster. 2018 RSNA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL T. Slauter, D.J. Sandoval, R. Lamoureux, R. Selwyn. Comparison of Digital Acquisition Exposure Rates and Image Quality for Neurology Protocols. ePoster. 2018 AAPM Annual Meeting, Nashville, TN R Lamoureux, T Slauter, D Sandoval, G Chambers, R Selwyn. Elevated Patient Exposure Due to Bariatric Table Construction and Dose Modulation in Computed Tomography: tu-rpm-gepd-i-04 D Sandoval, D Valenti, T Bateman, V Norris, G Mlady, R Selwyn. Moving from Computed Radiography to Digital Radiography, a Collaborative Approach to Improve Image Quality. Poster, 2016 AAPM Annual Meeting, Austin, Tx Sandoval, D., Weber, W., Melo, D., Adolphi, N., Hatch, P., & Heintz, P. (2014). SU-C-12A-04: Diagnostic Imaging Research Using Decedents as a Proxy for the Living: Are Radiation Dosimetry and Tissue Property Measurements Affected by Post-Mortem Changes? AAPM 56th Annual meeting, abstract published in Medical Physics, 41(6), 107-107. doi:10.1118/1.4887852