Personal Statement

Being part of the UNM Children?s Hospital, has been rewarding and enhancing. It is a privilege to teach both medical students and residents at different phases of their education. As an instructor, it is an honor to see each individual grow in their community groups, patient interactions, professional development, and personal growth. Teaching these exceptional individuals, drives me to continue to learn and share the knowledge gained for their progress and to see them become great doctors. Each practice setting, whether it be in my own clinic, in the continuity resident clinic, the urgent care clinic or newborn nursery has given me a different perspective in practice that when combined enhances patient care that can in turn be a strong teaching tool for learners and always keeping in mind caring for patients with dignity.
Seeing the process of the development of valuable studies from the beginning, evaluating past studies that are a cornerstone today, and participating in what the current studies, can be is academics at its core. Being a representative in PROS, fuels my interest in research in the outpatient setting not only in this institution but also on a national level. We were able to bring The Flu2Text study, evaluating use of text messages to increase the second Flu vaccine compliance to our outpatient group. I hope to continue to be able to bring exciting, collaborative, opportunities to this institution.
Leading our small subgroup of 3 outpatient providers for my first few years allowed me to grow professionally, enhance communication and learn how to manage a professional group within our particular clinic. I represent our group, pediatrics at Southwest Mesa Clinic, at PCMH monthly meetings which has impressed the importance of communication on multiple levels. Currently, I have been working on a process of transitioning our young adolescents to available adult providers at our clinic.
I plan to continue fulfilling my role as teacher, leader, clinician, researcher and advocating for the children in our care.


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