
Warner received his PhD in Psychology from the University of Kansas in 1987 after earning an MA from the University of Kansas in 1984 and a BBA in Accounting from the University of Texas at Austin in 1974. He received postdoctoral training in bioethics and research ethics from the Kennedy Institute for Ethics at Georgetown University in 2003 and from the Poynter Center for Ethics at the University of Indiana in 2004.

Personal Statement

I have long been interested in ethical issues related to all issues, beginning study of ethics as an undergraduate at the University of Texas. In addition, I have long been interested in acquiring intensive knowledge and experience with a wide range of advanced methods of study design and analysis of research data, having taken almost every possible course in those areas in graduate school and taught these topics throughout my career.

Areas of Specialty

Empirical study of ethics, research ethics, and bioethics; Measurement and psychometrics; Research design and methods; Psychological trauma


  • English

Courses Taught

Measurement in research; Multivariate statistics; Research ethics; Research methods; Personality and social psychology; Political psychology; Psychology of terrorism.

Research and Scholarship

Selected publications: Hollifield, M., Warner, T.D., Krakow, B., & Westermeyer, J. (2018). Mental Health Effects of Stress Over the Life Span of Refugees. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 7(25); 2-11. doi: 10.3390/jcm7020025 Warner, T.D., Weil, C.J., Andry, C., Degenholtz, H., Parker, L., Feige, M., Carithers, C., Wendler, D., Pentz, R.D. (2018). Broad consent for research on biospecimens: The views of actual donors at four U.S. medical centers. Journal of Empirical Research in Human Research Ethics, April 13(2);115-124. DOI: 10.1177/1556264617751204 Ramos MM, Warner T, V Rosero D, Condon TP. (2017). A clinical instrument to guide brief interventions for adolescents with substance use concerns. Substance Abuse. Aug 29:1-6. DOI: 10.1080/08897077.2017.1371659. PMID: 28850302. Hollifield M., Warner T.D., Westermeyer, J. (2011). Is torture reliably assessed and a valid indicator of poor mental health? The Journal of nervous and mental disease, 199(1):3-10. Warner, T.D., Monaghan-Geernaert, P., Battaglia, J., Brems, C., Johnson, M., & Roberts, L. Ethical considerations in rural health care: A Pilot Study of New Mexican and Alaskan Clinicians. (2005). Community Mental Health Journal, 41(1), 21-33. Warner, T.D., Roberts, L.W., & Nguyen, K. (2003). How well do psychiatrists understand the attitudes, motivations, and experiences of schizophrenia protocol participants? Comprehensive Psychiatry; 44(3):227-233. Warner, T.D. & Gluck, J. (2003). What do we really know about conflicts of interest in research? Psychopharmacology, 171:36-46.