Dr. Yang received his BS from Peking University and his PhD from Peking Union Medical College. He was trained at University of Washington and M. D. Anderson Cancer Center.
Personal Statement
His research interests are in the regulation and function of T helper cells in immunity, autoimmunity and inflammation. His published work can be found at:
Areas of Specialty
T helper cell
Asthma and pulmonary inflammation
Transcriptional control
Signal transduction
Achievements & Awards
Beginning Grant-in-Aid Award, American Heart Association (2009-2011)
Junior Faculty Travel Award, American Association of Immunologists (2010)
Obstructive Lung Disease Scholar, American Lung Association (2013-2015)
Careers in Immunology Fellowship Mentor, American Association of Immunologists (2016)
Key Publications
Journal Article
Park, H, Li , Z, Yang, Xuexian, Chang, S, H Nurieva, R, Wang, Y, H Wang, Y, Hood, L, Zhu, Z, Tian, Q, Dong, C, 2005 A distinct lineage of CD4 T cells regulates tissue inflammation by producing interleukin 17. Nature immunology, vol. 6, Issue 11, 1133-41
Journal Article
Yang, Xuexian, Pappu, B, P Nurieva, R, Akimzhanov, A, Kang, H, S Chung, Y, Ma, L, Shah, B, Panopoulos, A, D Schluns, K, S Watowich, S, S Tian, Q, Jetten, A, M Dong, C, 2008 T helper 17 lineage differentiation is programmed by orphan nuclear receptors ROR alpha and ROR gamma. Immunity, vol. 28, Issue 1, 29-39
Journal Article
Yang, Xuexian, Zhang, H, Kim, B, S Niu, X, Peng, J, Chen, Y, Kerketta, R, Lee, Y, H Chang, S, H Corry, D, B Wang, D, Watowich, S, S Dong, C, 2013 The signaling suppressor CIS controls proallergic T cell development and allergic airway inflammation. Nature immunology, vol. 14, Issue 7, 732-40
Journal Article
Zheng, H, Wu, D, Wu, X, Zhang, X, Zhou, Q, Luo, Y, Yang, X, Chock, C, J Liu, M, Yang, Xuexian, 2018 Leptin Promotes Allergic Airway Inflammation through Targeting the Unfolded Protein Response Pathway. Scientific reports, vol. 8, Issue 1, 8905
Journal Article
Zheng, H, Wu, X, Wu, D, Jiang, R, L Castillo, E, F Chock, C, J Zhou, Q, Liu, M, Dong, C, Yang, Xuexian, 2020 Treg expression of CIS suppresses allergic airway inflammation through antagonizing an autonomous TH2 program. Mucosal immunology, vol. 13, Issue 2, 293-302
Courses Taught
Dr. Yang is a Co-Director of BioMed 514 Immunobiology (BSGP).
He also participates in teaching Microbiology and Immunology Block (UME).