West China University of Medical Science Chengdu, Sichuan, P.R.China M.D. 1979-1984 Medical Degree
Microbial Genetics School of Biological Sciences University of Sussex, Brighton, UK Ph.D. 1987-1991 Microbial genetics
Department of Microbiology and Immunology University of Michigan Medical School Ann Arbor, MI Post Doctoral Research Fellowship 1991-1992 Microbial genetics
Department of Physiology and Molecular Medicine Medical College of Ohio Toledo, OH Post Doctoral Research Fellowship 1994-1996 Chromosomal mapping on rat for blood pressure QTL
Anatomic Pathology and Clinical Pathology University of Toledo frmr Medical College of Ohio, Toledo, OH 1996-1998 Pathology residency
Anatomic Pathology and Clinical Pathology University of New Mexico School of Medicine Albuquerque, NM 1998-2000 Pathology residency
Hematopathology University of New Mexico School of Medicine Albuquerque, NM 2000-2002 Fellowship Subspecialty fellowship
Board Certifications:
American Board of Pathology (Anatomic Pathology and Clinical Pathology) ABP Board certification July 2002
American Board of Pathology (specialty board: Hematopathology) October 2003 ABP Board certification
Personal Statement
I am a Professor in the Department of Pathology on clinician educator track. Prior to my pathology residency training I had 10 years of basic science research background.
I obtained my Ph.D degree from the University of Sussex, Brighton, UK under the supervision of Sir. Brian Spratt, Ph.D, Royal Society Fellow (RSF). I studied on different mechanisms of penicillin resistance in Neisseria meningitides. Neisseria meningitidis are typically sensitive to penicillin treatment and penicillin can achieve adequate concentration in CSF. When Neisseria meningitidis becomes resistant to penicillin, it poses a major threat to those patients since many antibiotics do not readily penetrate blood brain barrier. There are multiple ways Neisseria meningitidis may gain resistance to penicillin. In addition, there are strains of commensal Neisseria which are naturally resistant to penicillin, such as Neisseria flavescens.
Major findings and significance: One of the major findings from my research projects was that different strains of Neisseria may switch their genetic material so the virulent Neisseria meningitidis may become resistant to penicillin through incorporating fragments of DNA from Neisseria flavescens. The finding was significant since the idea of genetic material exchange was a new concept at the time and we provided solid evidence to confirm it.
Technologies used: cell culture, DNA, RNA, protein isolations, DNA recombination, bacterial phage manipulation, transinfection, cloning, DNA and protein electrophoresis, Southern blot, Northern blot, DNA sequencing.
Hematopathology Fellowship (Jul 2000-Mar 2002)
Kathy Foucar, M.D., Director, Hematopathology Fellowship
Department of Pathology
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87106
Resident in Pathology, AP/CP combined (Jul 1998-Jun 2000)
Therese Bocklage, M.D., Pathology Residency Program Director
Department of Pathology
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87106
Resident in Pathology, AP/CP combined (Jul 1996-Jun 1998)
Edwin Philips, M.D., Ph.D. Residency Program Director
Department of Pathology
College of Medicine and Life Science, University of Toledo (AKA Medical College of Ohio), Toledo, OH 43614
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (1994-1996)
Dr. John P. Rapp, McMaster Professor and Chairman
Department of Physiology and Molecular Medicine
College of Medicine and Life Science, University of Toledo (AKA Medical College of Ohio), Toledo, OH 43614
Postdoctoral Research Fellow (1991-1992)
Dr. Michael Koomey, Assistant Professor
Department of Microbiology and Immunology
University of Michigan Medical School
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
Graduate candidate, Ph.D. in Microbial Genetics (1987-1991)
Dr. Brian G. Spratt, Professor, FRS
Microbial Genetic Group
School of Biological Sciences
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9QG
University and Medical School (1979-1984, Bachelor of Medicine, equivalent of MD)
West China University of Medical Sciences (AKA: Sichuan Medical College 1952-1985, Sichuan University Medical Center 2000-present)
Chengdu, Sichuan
AP/CP pathology boards certification 07/29/2002, valid through 1/1/2024
Hematology specialty board certification 9/30/2003, no expiration date
USMLE step III, Passed August 2000
USMLE step II, Passed June 1995
USMLE step I, Passed September 1994
Achievements & Awards
University of New Mexico School of Medicine Exemplary Teacher (2021)
University of New Mexico School of Medicine Exemplary Teacher (2020)
Apple Award for the Teacher for Phase I Medical School Teaching (2014) School of Medicine University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico
Pathologist-in-Training Award from Society for Hematopathology (2001) United States and Canadian Association of Pathology Annual Meeting
Atlanta, Georgia
Travel Award for ?The Complex Trait Diseases? at the Jackson Laboratory (1995)
Bar Harbor, Maine
Overseas Research Student Award (1987-1990)
United Kingdom
Third World Microbiology Award (1987-1990)
Society for General Microbiology
United Kingdom
Excellent Graduate Award (1984)
West China University of Medical Sciences
Research and Scholarship
Foucar Endowment Research Fund, PI, CD47 expression in lymphomas, total $1,500 from Sept 2020 - Present
Hairy cell leukemia foundation, co-investigator, role: responsible for pathology portion (including organizing cases, stains, molecular testing, scoring), total $100,000, renewable
Foucar Endowment Research Fund, PI, total $2,500 from 11/4/2015 to 11/3/2016
Foucar Endowment Research fund, 2007-2008, total of $12,000
Foucar Endowment Research fund, 2013-2014, total of $3,000
UNM CTSC Pilot Award, PI, total $25,000 from 4/1/2014 to 3/31/2015
NIH Grant #: P20 GM103451. Title: Regulation of CLL progression and B cell development by membrane scaffolds. Role: co-investigator. Award dates: June 15, 2014 - March 31, 2016. Award Amount $75,000 for 1 year and $35,000 for 1 year for a total of $110,000.
Associate Editor for the International Journal of Laboratory Hematology (September 2019 - present)
Guest Editor for the Education Supplement Issue, 2018-2019, International Journal of Laboratory Hematology
Reflex reticulocyte panel, TriCore-wide initiative, 2018
Editorial Review Board for American Journal of Clinical Pathology (AJCP) (2015-present2019)
Editorial board for journal Hematopathology (September 2017-present)