
New Leadership

A. Robb McLean Named to Head UNM Medical Group, Inc.

A. Robb McLean, MD, MHCM, has been selected following a national search as the new president and chief executive officer for the UNM Medical Group, Inc.

McLean has served in the interim position for more than a year and has demonstrated extraordinary physician leadership during this very challenging time, said Martha McGrew, MD, interim dean of the UNM School of Medicine.

a-robb-mclean-md.jpg“UNM Medical Group has seen many successes during the pandemic, including the continuity of care provided to our patients, ensuring patient and staff safety and continued financial stability,” McGrew said.

McLean is also a practicing physician and professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine. Prior to serving in the interim CEO role, McLean was chief medical officer for UNM Sandoval Regional Medical Center and also the chief medical officer of the UNM Medical Group. He has served in numerous other leadership roles during his 13-year career as a faculty member of the UNM School of Medicine. 

As a long-time New Mexico resident, McLean believes strongly in the role that UNM and the UNM Medical Group play as health care and educational resources for the state, McGrew said.

“He is inspired by the work and dedication of the UNM Medical Group, the Health System and Health Sciences Center, and he has expressed his tremendous appreciation for the entire team, particularly in pulling together for the hard work of the last year,” she said. “We are thrilled to have him in this position permanently, and to continue his ongoing efforts advancing the mission of UNM Medical Group.”

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