Thumbnail is community members vaccinated, banner is the 10 to 100 Challenge logo
By Michael Haederle

UNM Health Launches 10to100 Challenge

UNM Health Aims to Reach 100% Vaccination Rate With its Employees

UNM Health has launched the 10 to 100 Challenge, a 10-day multi-platform blitz designed to increase the percentage of employees vaccinated in the UNM Health System.

The initiative, which runs from May 10 to May 19, is designed to engage health systems across the country in a friendly “competition” to see who can get the highest percentage of their employees vaccinated.

As of Thursday, 9,644 out of 10,555 UNM Health employees – 91 percent – have been vaccinated.


The 10 to 100 Challenge website

Want to Learn More?

Visit to learn more the challenge and how UNM Health is doing in it.

Each day of the 10-day challenge focuses on different topics surrounding the vaccine, with a dedicated website featuring testimonials from Health System employees, videos, social media posts, media phone banks and more:

  • Day 1 – Vaccine Hesitancy. Covering everything from questions about how quickly the vaccine was made to common misunderstandings about what it does to the body.
  • Day 2 – Pregnancy and Maternity. A conversation about what to expect for women looking to get pregnant, those who are pregnant and those who just had a baby.
  • Day 3 – LGBTQ+, Culture and Diversity. Hear from real voices about the history of medicine in diverse groups and concerns they have about the pandemic.
  • Day 4 – Got Questions? An opportunity to ask questions about the vaccine.
  • Day 5 – Young People and the Vaccine. Examining misunderstandings around young, healthy people and the vaccine.
  • Day 6 – Let’s Get Back to Normal. How the vaccine helps everyone return to the lives they once knew.
  • Day 7 – The Internet. Breaking down the myths and how to know what is real when it comes to the vaccine.
  • Day 8 – Trusted Voices. Community members share about their hesitancy, their willingness to get vaccinated and their experience in doing so.
  • Day 9 – Is it Safe for Me? What people need to know if they have a preexisting condition or severe allergies.
  • Day 10 – COVID – Who Cares? Why it’s important to still get vaccinated even if you had COVID or aren’t worried about getting it.

While the goal is to get the health system vaccinated, this is a community educational opportunity with content that will live on, continuing to educate and inform people past the competition.

To learn more about the 10 to 100 challenge visit and follow the #10to100 journey on Instagram.

Get Vaccinated

Help us reach our goal of getting New Mexico 100% vaccinated!
Categories: Community Engagement, Health, News You Can Use, Top Stories