By Luis Galarza

UNM College of Pharmacy Professor Elected in Prestigious Role

The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) has recently elected a prominent faculty member from The University of New Mexico’s College of Pharmacy as its new President-elect and three-year term on the Board of Directors. It’s the first time a president has ever been elected from New Mexico.  

ASHP is the largest association of pharmacists in the U.S. and according to its website, “ASHP has championed innovation in pharmacy practice, advanced education and professional development, and served as a steadfast advocate for members and patients.”

Now, Melanie A. Dodd, PharmD, PhC, BCPS, FASHP, associate dean for clinical affairs and professor in the UNM College of Pharmacy, will preside as president.
ASHP has been my professional home since I was a pharmacy student. It has always been my goal to contribute to the advancement of our profession and to advocate for optimizing patient care.
Melanie A. Dodd, PharmD, PhC, BCPS, FASHP, Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs & Professor, UNM College of Pharmacy

Dodd graduated from Purdue University with a Bachelor of Science degree in pharmacy. She graduated from UNM with her Doctor of Pharmacy degree, and completed her residency at Presbyterian Healthcare Services.  

In the UNM College of Pharmacy, Dodd oversees innovative clinical models and faculty clinical services including credentialing, contracting, billing and reimbursement. She provides key pharmacy professional advocacy and serves on academic and UNM Health System leadership committees. Dodd is a pharmacist clinician in geriatric primary care with broad prescriptive authority at the UNM Hospitals Senior Health Clinic and is a consultant pharmacist for 340B-eligible and other ambulatory clinics. She is responsible for extensive didactic and clinical teaching activities in the UNM PharmD program and UNM Health Sciences Center, including geriatric syndromes, pharmacy law, interprofessional education, and serves as a residency preceptor. Her research includes geriatric syndromes, advanced practice pharmacist models, and scholarship of teaching and learning.

This prestigious position not only highlights Dodd's dedication to the pharmacy profession but also brings a unique perspective to the national stage.

A Journey of Commitment and Advocacy

When asked about the motivation behind pursuing a leadership role within ASHP, Dodd reflected on her deep-rooted connection with the organization.

“Throughout my career, I’ve had the privilege to engage with ASHP in various capacities, from representing New Mexico in the House of Delegates to chairing key councils and sections,” Dodd said. “My vision has always been to use the skills and opportunities I've been afforded to advance our practice and care for our patients in ever-improving ways."

Dodd’s dedication to pharmacy is evident in her extensive involvement with ASHP over the years. Her leadership roles have included serving as Chair of the House of Delegates and as a member of the Board of Directors, among others. These experiences have shaped her vision for the future, grounded in a commitment to patient care and professional advocacy.

Setting Priorities for the Future

As Dodd begins her term as ASHP President, she is focused on several key priorities that reflect both the challenges and opportunities facing the pharmacy profession today.

"One of the biggest issues we face is ensuring that patients have access to optimal, safe, and effective access to health care, particularly access to pharmacist care in every health care setting," Dodd said. "We need to create better models that allow patients to access the care of pharmacists, especially in underserved communities and health care deserts."

Dodd also highlighted the importance of advocacy in addressing these challenges, particularly in securing federal provider status for pharmacists. 

"Working on federal provider status is a top priority," she explained. "We need to continue advocating for legislation that recognizes pharmacists as providers under Medicare Part B. This opens the door for financial support, sustainable business models, and greater access to care."

Challenges and Strategies

The pharmacy profession faces numerous challenges, from drug shortages and workforce issues to the integration of new technologies like artificial intelligence. Dodd is keenly aware of these obstacles and has a strategic approach to addressing them.

"We need to advance our roles and communicate those advancements to the public, our healthcare colleagues, and the community at large," she said. "Training the future workforce, especially in academic medical centers, is critical as we prepare for an aging population with complex healthcare needs."

Dodd also stressed the importance of embracing technology in health care. "As we move forward, we must consider how to implement artificial intelligence and other technologies to elevate patient care," she said. "Our mission is to ensure that patients have access to affordable, safe care that improves their outcomes, and technology will play a significant role in that."

Representing New Mexico on the National Stage

Being the first ASHP President from New Mexico is a milestone for Dodd, and she is eager to represent and advocate for pharmacists from smaller or less represented regions.

"I’m incredibly excited to share the innovations we’ve developed in New Mexico, particularly our advanced practice license pharmacist clinician model," Dodd said. "These innovations have allowed us to provide a broad scope of practice and prescriptive authority. I’m looking forward to supporting other states and communities in advancing their models and advocating for necessary legislative changes."

A Legacy of Leadership and Mentorship

Reflecting on her career, Dodd acknowledged the mentors and experiences that have prepared her for this leadership role.

"I’ve had amazing mentors and colleagues throughout my career who encouraged me to take on leadership roles I never thought possible," she said. "From leading the New Mexico Society of Health-System Pharmacists to chairing ASHP councils, these experiences have been invaluable in shaping my leadership style."

As for the impact she hopes to have on ASHP and the broader pharmacy profession, Dodd is clear.

"One of my big goals is to ensure that pharmacists are recognized as direct patient care providers in all settings. I want to lead our teams towards creating future models of care that close gaps in care and improve patient outcomes."

Dodd also has advice for aspiring leaders in the pharmacy profession.

"We have a professional obligation to give back to our profession. Each of us has unique skills and experiences that can make a powerful impact. Say yes when opportunities arise and remember that your actions and words matter—they will change health care and our communities for the better."

Inspiration and Legacy

Dodd credits her family and professional mentors for inspiring her throughout her career.

"My parents, my husband, and my children have been my greatest supporters,” she said. "Professionally, I’ve been fortunate to have mentors who encouraged me to take chances and step into leadership roles. My hope is to inspire others to do the same, to help build a strong, innovative future workforce for the pharmacy profession."

Dodd also mentioned that she is incredibly grateful to Donald Godwin, Dean at the College of Pharmacy, and the rest of the college community to be able to serve in this capacity.

As Dodd embarks on her term as ASHP President, her leadership promises to bring new perspectives, innovative solutions, and a continued commitment to advancing the pharmacy profession for the benefit of patients and communities across the nation.

Categories: College of Pharmacy , Community Engagement , Top Stories , UNM Hospital