
Your Safety is Our Priority

Here's What We're Doing at UNMH to Keep Patients and Visitors Safe

We want to you to feel safe and comfortable when you come in for an appointment at The University of New Mexico Hospital. We follow guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the New Mexico Department of Health to ensure staff and resources are in place to care for the community.

Has UNMH started doing more cleaning of public areas and patient rooms?

Yes. We have increased our cleaning of public areas at UNMH, and by limiting visitors, we have taken the opportunity to increase our detailed cleaning and care in public areas, including lobbies, hallways, bathrooms and other spaces. We clean patient rooms daily.

What is UNMH doing to screen patients, visitors and employees?

UNMH is screening all employees, providers, patients and visitors for COVID-19 symptoms. We are also taking the temperatures of everyone who enters the hospital.

How has the visitation policy changed in response to the outbreak?

No visitors are allowed in the hospital unless they're helping a patient get to an appointment. Waiting rooms are being adjusted to ensure patients and visitors can practice social distancing during an outpatient visit. Learn more about the UNMH visitation policy [PDF].

Are there any new steps in food service to ensure public safety?

Patients with visitors can order and pay for meals to be delivered to patient rooms. This keeps the traffic low in the hallways and protects the patient and their visitor from unnecessary contact with others. While we've closed the buffet in La Cocina, our second-floor cafeteria, the food service staff continues to offer hot food options, as well as soup, salad and fresh brewed coffee or tea. We monitor and limit the number of people in this area. Six-foot markings on the floor help provide a visual reference for the physical distancing protocol. Our staff wear face coverings, and the cashiers are provided with eye protection. We've also added several hand sanitizer stations.

Have there been any changes to help ensure patient safety in other public areas of the hospitals?

Everyone at UNMH must wear a face mask to prevent the spread of COVID-19, and all patients and visitors will be screened for COVID-19 symptoms before entering the hospital.

Only be three main entrance locations are open to the public:

  • North Pavilion Entrance
  • Main North Entrance
  • Patient Drop-Off Entrance
Categories: Community Engagement, Health, News You Can Use, Top Stories