
Dr. Bakhireva received a MD degree with distinction from the Omsk State Medical Academy (1999). She earned her Master's in Public Health degree (2001) from the Boston University and a Ph.D. in Public Health, Epidemiology (2007) from the University of California San Diego.

Personal Statement

Dr. Bakhireva has an extensive expertise in establishing and successfully following up cohorts of high-risk vulnerable populations. She is leading several multi-disciplinary clinical studies involving substance-using pregnant women and children affected by substance use disorders. Dr. Bakhireva?s research portfolio also includes studies examining safety of medications and effects of environmental exposures on perinatal outcomes as well as clinical trails and outreach interventions addressing opioid epidemic. She has been continually funded by the NIH since 2010. Dr. Bakhireva leads the Substance Use Research and Education (SURE) Center ( and co-leads the UNM-HSC Brain and Behavioral Health Institute (

Areas of Specialty

Substance use disorders
Addiction medicine
Maternal and child health
Perinatal epidemiology


PhD, University of California San Diego, 2007 (Public Health, Epidemiology)
MPH, Boston University, 2001 (Public Health)
MD, Omsk State Medical Academy, 1999

Achievements & Awards

University of New Mexico College of Pharmacy William M. Hadley Distinguished Scholar Award, 2017
University of New Mexico Faculty Research Excellence Award in Population Science, 2015
University of New Mexico Regents? Lecturer award, 2011

Key Publications

Journal Article
Bakhireva, Ludmila, N Bautista, A, Cano, S, Shrestha, S, Bachyrycz, Amy, Cruz, T, H 2017 Barriers and facilitators to dispensing of intranasal naloxone by pharmacists. Substance abuse, vol.
Journal Article
Bakhireva, Ludmila, N Lowe, J, Garrison, L, M Cano, S, Leyva, Y, Qeadan, F, Stephen, J, M 2018 Role of caregiver-reported outcomes in identification of children with prenatal alcohol exposure during the first year of life. Pediatric research
Journal Article
Bakhireva, Ludmila, N Shrestha, S, Garrison, L, Leeman, L, Rayburn, W, F Stephen, J, M 2018 Prevalence of alcohol use in pregnant women with substance use disorder. Drug and alcohol dependence, vol. 187
Journal Article
Bakhireva, Ludmila, N Kane, M, A Bearer, C, F Bautista, A, Jones, J, W Garrison, L, Begay, M, G Ozechowski, T, Lewis, Johnnye, L 2019 Prenatal alcohol exposure prevalence as measured by direct ethanol metabolites in meconium in a Native American tribe of the southwest. Birth defects research, vol. 111, Issue 2, 53-61
Journal Article
Bakhireva, Ludmila, N Holbrook, B, D Shrestha, S, Leyva, Y, Ashley, M, Cano, S, Lowe, J, Stephen, J, M Leeman, L, 2018 Association between prenatal opioid exposure, neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome, and neurodevelopmental and behavioral outcomes at 5-8 months of age. Early human development, vol. 128


  • English
  • Russian
  • French

Courses Taught

Pharm 828 (Pharmacoepidemiology & Research Design)
Pharm 547 (Research Design & Methods)
Pharm 599 (Master's Thesis)
Pharm 699 (Dissertation)

Research and Scholarship

1. Bakhireva LN, Savich RD, Raisch DW et al. The Feasibility and Cost of Neonatal Screening for Prenatal Alcohol Exposure by Measuring Phosphatidylethanol in Dried Blood Spots. Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2013 37:1008-15

2. Bakhireva LN, Bautista A, Cano S, Shrestha S, Bachyrycz A, Cruz T. Barriers and Facilitators to Dispensing of Intranasal Naloxone by Pharmacists. Subst Abus. 2017;1-11

3. Page K, Leeman L, Bishop S, Cano S, Bakhireva LN. Hepatitis C Cascade of Care Among Pregnant Women on Opioid Agonist Pharmacotherapy Attending a Comprehensive Prenatal Program. Matern Child Health J. 2017;22:1778-1783.

4. Bakhireva LN, Shrestha S, Garrison L et al. Prevalence of Alcohol Use in Pregnant Women with Substance Use Disorder. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2018;187:305-310.

5. Bakhireva LN, Holbrook B, Shrestha S, et al. Association between Prenatal Opioid Exposure, Neonatal Opioid Withdrawal Syndrome, and Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Outcomes at 5-8-months of Age. Early Hum Dev. 2018; 128:69-76.

6. Beauchamp KG, Lowe J, Schrader RM, Shrestha S, Aragon C, Moss N, Stephen JM, Bakhireva LN. Self-regulation and emotional reactivity in infants with prenatal exposure to opioids and alcohol. Early Hum Dev, 148 (2020).