By Marlena Bermel

UNM College of Nursing’s Nurse Practitioners Recognized for Advancing the Profession

Nurse practitioners are vital to New Mexico's health care system. They work to meet the needs of diverse communities in various specialties across the lifespan.  However, some go beyond seeing patients and their families. They work to solve complex health care needs and are dedicated to advancing health care. That’s why the American Association of Nurse Practitioners has honored three nurse practitioners from The University of New Mexico College of Nursing for their incredible work and inducted them as fellows.

“Less than 1% of members of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners are inducted as fellows,” says Gina Rowe, PhD, DNP, MPH, FNP-BC, PHCNS-BC, BC-ADM, FNAP, assistant dean of professional graduate programs for the UNM College of Nursing. “This year there were 93 applications and only 33 nurse practitioners were accepted, making New Mexico inductees 9% of the prestigious group. We couldn’t be prouder.”

Those selected have made extraordinary contributions to the health of the nation while furthering the nurse practitioner role. They have dedicated themselves to promoting and advancing the visibility of the profession through their outstanding achievements in health policy, education, innovative practice models, and research endeavors.

Nurse practitioners provide accessible, patient center care for their communities. They also dedicate themselves to advancing health care through practice, education, advocacy, research and leadership. The UNM College of Nursing is proud to see the hard work they do honored nationally.

If you are interested in advancing your nursing career, explore the programs at the UNM College of Nursing here.

Categories: College of Nursing , Education , Health , Top Stories