What Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Means To Us

Emergency Medicine believes that our dimensions of difference unify us.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Emergency Medicine

The Department of Emergency Medicine is dedicated to advancing a diverse and inclusive workforce that can lead clinical, educational, research, and service excellence and drive equitable care for our diverse patient populations.

Mountains over the Rio Grande

Land Acknowledgement Statement

The UNM Health Sciences Center Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion recognizes the need to acknowledge the land that we work on.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Profiles

Justin Baca, MD
Beatrice Rushing
Diane Rimple, MD
Arram Noshirvan, MD
Darryl Macias, MD
Nathaniel Link, MD
Michael Lauria, MD
Janet Veesart, MD
JP Sanchez, MD
Bianca Alvarez, MD
Natasha James, MD
Linda Hodes-Villamar, MD
Chris Bossart, MD
Benny Chen, MD
Cameron Crandall, MD
Jessica Evanswall, MD
Jon Femling, MD
Audrea Garcia
Naomi George, MD
Kelley Grassham
Margaret Greenwood-Ericksen, MD
Christopher Guest, MD
Mateo Garcia, MD


John P Sanchez
Full Professor and Vice Chair Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), Emergency Medicine, Fellowship Director, Learning Environment Office, University of New Mexico School of Medicine



The department is working on threading DEI-related content throughout our medical school clerkship and residency and fellowship programs. Themes of particular interest include: 

  • Gender discrimination in the work environment
  • Indigenous health
  • Anti-racism
  • Border and migrant health
  • Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender health/Sexual and Gender Minority Health
  • Health advocacy
  • Language concordant care

You can view some of the department’s contributions through the following MedEdPORTAL Publications:

Addressing Interpersonal Violence as a Health Policy Question Using Interprofessional Community Educators - Amy Clithero, MBA, Danielle Albright, PhD, Elena Bissell, MD, Gabe Campos, JB, MBA, Karen Armitage, MD, Brian Solan, MD, Cameron Crandall, MD

Beyond Men, Women, or Both: A Comprehensive, LGBTQ-Inclusive, Implicit-Bias-Aware, Standardized-Patient-Based Sexual History Taking Curriculum - Jacob J. Mayfield, MD, Emily M. Ball, MD, Kory A. Tillery, MBA, Cameron Crandall, MD, Julia Dexter, J. Michael Winer, BA, Zachary M. Bosshardt, Jason H. Welch, Ella Dolan, Edward R. Fancovic, MD, Andrea I. Nañez, MD, Henning De May, Esmé Finlay, MD, Staci M. Lee, MD, Carl G. Streed, MD, Khizer Ashraf

Social and Structural Determinants of Urban American Indian and Alaska Native Health: A Case Study in Los Angeles      

Andrea N. Garcia, MD, MS, Monique C. Castro, MS, LMFT, John Paul Sánchez, MD, MPH

Apply Now! The purpose of the on-line fellowship is to guide learners in the development, implementation, evaluation, and submission of a DEI-related educational project to MedEdPORTAL for publication consideration. The fellowship will primarily focus on content related to Indigenous health, Hispanic health (including medical Spanish), anti-racism work, border and migrant health, sexual and gender minority health, and gender discrimination.   Fellows will be advised by EM faculty and residents and will network with the entire department. 
Who should apply?
EM bound medical students from across the country. This is a rolling application process. 
What is the application deadline?
The application process is rolling. However, the program is capped to five students.
Is there a stipend?
Fellows who successfully submit their project to MedEdPORTAL will be compensated with a $2,000 stipend.
What is the time commitment?
The time commitment is variable and depends on the type of educational project undertaken (e.g. simulation, workshop, etc.)  Learners are encouraged to set aside at least one initial month of elective time AND approximately 10 hours a month for five additional months to ensure successful completion of the MedEdPORTAL submission.
How do I apply?

Complete the following link
Inquiries can be submitted to J.P. Sánchez MD, MPH, Vice Chair, DEI, EM and Associate Editor, MedEdPORTAL at jopsanchez@salud.unm.edu

UNM Emergency Medicine Chairperson McLaughlin (left), Interim Dean McGrew (middle), Vice Chancellor Romero-Leggott (right) presented at the Mid-Year Pre-Faculty Career Development Conference and Summary Report, National Center for Pre-Faculty Development

The conference talk about promising and best practices in promoting diverse trainees in considering academic careers as faculty and senior administrators. Special workshops on applying for an academic residency or fellowship or first academic position were offered.

Congratulations to Ashley Jaramillo-Huff (Ob-Gyn Resident), Mirella Galvan de la Cruz MSIV, and Christian Mateo Garcia MD (EM Chief Resident - Below) for winning the 2020 BNGAP National Pre-Faculty Award.  View congratulatory video

2020 Native American Heritage Month Calendar


The Department of Emergency Medicine and the Department of Internal Medicine at UNM SOM are proud sponsors of the National Latino Medical Student Association Hispanic Heritage Month Lecture Series.  Join us for the following two Invited Lectures:

October 13

  • 12-1pm MST Promising and Best Practices in the Recruitment, Retention, and Promotion of Hispanic Faculty, National LMSA Hispanic Heritage Month Lecture Series

October 20

  • 12-1pm MST Unique Health Issues and Disparities of Hispanics in the U.S., National LMSA Hispanic Heritage Month Lecture Series

All applicants are invited to attend.

UNM EM Faculty are participating in the LMSA Mentorship Program to help support LMSA members in exploring emergency medicine careers.

Click here to learn more about the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion American College of Emergency Medicine’s efforts.

Click here to learn more about the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion American College of Emergency Medicine’s efforts.  

Click here to learn more about the Diversity, Inclusion, and Health Equity efforts of the Emergency Medicine Residents’ Association.

Available resources:



GME Diversity Committee Launched July 2020 (Future reports to be listed here)

DEI EM Committee Launched on September 2020 reoccurring monthly meetings every 3rd Tuesday from 12-2pm. Please notify Audrea Garcia with any questions at aegarcia@salud.unm.edu.  (Future reports to be listed here)

This committee meets on a monthly basis and supports the department’s efforts to advance a diverse and inclusive workforce that can lead clinical, educational, research, and service excellence and drive equitable care for our diverse patient populations. 

Join us for Black History Month Activities at Health Sciences Center, University of New Mexico

Are you interested in recruiting Hispanic/Latino/Latina/Latinx and African-American/Black students to your residency programs?  Participate in the following conferences.  Reach out to the SNMA and LMSA members and let them know we want them to apply to our programs.


Contact Us

Department of Emergency Medicine
MSC11 6025
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131

Phone: (505) 272-5062
Fax: (505) 272-6503