The Office of the Medical Investigator (OMI) investigates any death occurring in New Mexico that is sudden, violent, untimely, unexpected or where a person is found dead, and the cause of death is unknown.
Our forensic pathologists, investigators, and support staff work together to determine cause and manner of death and provide formal death certification.
Below are suggestions to help with the release process of your loved one:
Name | Phone # |
Alamogordo Funeral Home (Alamogordo) | (575) 434-5253 |
Alderette & Pomeroy (Raton) | (575) 445-3757 |
Alternative Choice (Farmington) | (505) 326-3671 |
Anderson-Bethany FH (Roswell) | (575) 622-5888 |
Bacas (Deming) | (575) 546-9671 |
Bacas (Las Cruces) | (575) 527-2222 |
Bacas (Silver City) | (575) 388-2334 |
Ballards (Roswell) | (575) 622-1121 |
Berardinelli | (505) 984-8600 |
Brewer, Lee, & Larkin (Farmington) | (505) 325-8688 |
Calvary (Eunice) | (575) 394-2494 |
Calvary Memorial (Hobbs) | (575) 392-0677 |
Chapel of Hope (Hobbs) | (575) 392-5683 |
Chavez (Ft. Sumner) | (575) 355-2311 |
Chapel of Hope (Hobbs) | (575) 392-5683 |
Chavez (Santa Rosa) | (575) 472-3369 |
Cope (Aztec) | (505) 334-9332 |
Cope (Farmington) | (505) 327-5142 |
Cope (Gallup) | (505) 722-6671 |
Cope (Kirtland) | (505) 598-9636 |
Cremate Simply (ABQ) | (505) 262-1456 |
Cremate Simply (Santa Fe) | (505) 438-2959 |
Cremation Society of NM (ABQ) | (505) 323-9000 |
Daniels (Socorro) | (575) 835-1530 |
Daniels Alameda (ABQ) | (505) 898-3160 |
Daniels Carlisle (ABQ) | (505) 884-1188 |
Daniels Coal/StrongThorne (ABQ) | (505) 842-8800 |
Daniels Garcia (ABQ) | (505) 243-5222 |
Daniels Sara (Rio Rancho) | (505) 892-9920 |
Daniels Wyoming (ABQ) | (505) 821-0010 |
Daniels-Southern (Rio Rancho) | (505) 891-9192 |
De Vargas (Taos) | (575) 300-5288 |
Denton Wood (Carlsbad) | (575) 885-6363 |
Desert View (Shiprock) | (505) 368-4607 |
DeVargas (Espanola) | (505) 747-7477 |
Direct Services (ABQ) | (505) 343-8008 |
Directors Choice (ABQ) | (505) 275-6524 |
Dunns (Tucumcari) | (575) 461-3815 |
Farmington FH (Farmington) | (505) 325-2211 |
French Golf Course (ABQ) | (505) 897-0300 |
French Lomas (ABQ) | (505) 275-3500 |
French Rio Rancho | (505) 338-2000 |
French University (ABQ) | (505) 843-6333 |
French Wyoming (ABQ) | (505) 823-9400 |
Gabaldon Mortuary (ABQ) | (505) 243-7861 |
Getz (Las Cruces) | (575) 526-2419 |
Gonzales (Las Vegas) | (505) 425-9319 |
Griffins (Hobbs) | (575) 393-2444 |
Harris Hanlon | (505) 832-6130 |
Hass (Clayton) | (575) 374-2211 |
Kirby Smith Rogers (Lovington) | (575) 396-2221 |
Kirikos FH (T or C) | (575) 894-2574 |
La Paz (Las Cruces) | (575) 526-6891 |
LaGrones (Roswell) | (575) 623-2323 |
LaGrones (Ruidoso) | (575) 257-7303 |
Memory Gardens (Hobbs) | (575) 392-4687 |
Mt Taylor (Grants) | (505) 287-5511 |
Muffley (Clovis) | (575) 762-4435 |
Neptune Society (ABQ) | (505) 884-4057 |
NMMS Riverside (ABQ) | (505) 764-9663 |
Noblin (Belen) | (505) 864-4448 |
Noblin (Los Lunas) | (505) 866-9992 |
PCS (Alamogordo) | (575) 437-3002 |
Reflections (ABQ) | (505) 884-5777 |
Rivera Family (Los Alamos) | (505) 753-2288 |
Rivera Family (Santa Fe) | (505) 989-7032 |
Rivera Family FH (Espanola) | (505) 753-2288 |
Rivera Hanlon (Taos) | 575-758-3841 |
Riverside (Los Lunas) | 505-565-1700 |
Riverside (Santa Fe) | 505-395-9150 |
Rogers Mortuary (Las Vegas) | 505-425-3511 |
Rollie Mortuary (Gallup) | 505-863-4452 |
Romero (Belen) | 505-864-8501 |
Santa Fe Funeral &Cremations (Santa Fe) | 505-603-7130 |
Scenic Chapel (Alamogordo) | 575-437-0530 |
Silvercreek Mortuary (Gallup) | 505-371-3690 |
Steed-Todd (Clovis) | 575-763-5541 |
Stevens FH (Lovington) | 575-396-8081 |
Terpening (Artesia) | 575-746-2231 |
Terrazas (Deming) | 575-546-0070 |
Terrazas (Silver) | 575-537-0777 |
Trujillo Family (Albuquerque) | 505-433-7747 |
Tse Bonito Mortuary (Gallup) | 505-371-5565 |
West FH (Carlsbad) | 575-885-2211 |
Wheeler Mortuary (Portales) | 575-356-4455 |
The Grief Services Program is an important part of OMI. The Grief Support Program staff have extensive experience and expertise in dealing with the effects of traumatic grief, bereavement, and loss.
Any death can give rise to a variety of physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral reactions, leading to extreme distress for family and friends.
Various support groups are offered for those experiencing the traumatic death of a loved one. Grief Services offers assistance with learning how to cope with the reactions to the traumatic loss of a loved one and may be helpful to family and friends faced with this experience.
If the case falls under the jurisdiction of the OMI, the autopsy or postmortem report can be accessed as public record. Open a Records Request form and fill out the required details on the form provided. It usually takes approximately 90 days for cases to be finalized before the reports are released.