REACH Evaluation

Project Director: Theresa H. Cruz , PhD
Project Contact: Courtney FitzGerald, MSSW, LMSW

Healthy Here is a community-driven initiative dedicated to reducing chronic disease in Hispanic/Latino and Native American populations within the South Valley and International District of Bernalillo County, NM. Specifically, it aims to increase 1) access to healthy food; 2) opportunities to be physically active; 3) and physician referrals of patients to chronic disease self-management programs. A large and diverse group of community partners are participating in a variety of strategies to address these aims. 

The role of the UNM PRC is to work collaboratively with the Healthy Here community partners to evaluate the Wellness Referral System. The evaluation will measure systems-level factors, like the number of clinics and providers making referrals, as well as participation in the community-based programs. The evaluation will also calculate changes in obesity, hypertension and hemoglobin a1c following referrals, enrollment and participation.

This partnership is led by Presbyterian Healthcare Services and the Bernalillo County Community Health Council. For additional information about Healthy Here, please visit

Principal Investigator: Theresa H. Cruz , PhD
Source of funding: Presbyterian Healthcare Services through a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention REACH (Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health) Award


REACH report