Youth Risk & Resiliency Survey
New Mexico Youth Risk and Resiliency Survey (NM-YRRS)
Project Director: Theresa H. Cruz, PhD
Project Contact: Courtney FitzGerald, MSSW, MPH
The New Mexico Department of Health and Public Education Department conduct the Youth Risk & Resiliency Survey (NM-YRRS) every other year in partnership with the UNM Prevention Research Center (PRC). The NM-YRRS is conducted to obtain important prevalence and trend data in support of adolescent health programs and policies. It is offered to all of New Mexico's 89 public school districts plus some BIE and state-chartered Charter Schools. It is administered in middle and high schools in the fall of odd-numbered years. The survey allows the state to monitor trends in student health and risk behavior and to assess both the risk and resiliency of youth. Multiple state agencies, local community groups and schools use the data to plan and allocate resources for the benefit of students around New Mexico. For survey results and updated information, visit
The survey is funded through the New Mexico Department of Health, in part through a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control, Division of Adolescent and School Health (CDC/DASH); United States Department of Education, Title IV, Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities; and in collaboration with other units and divisions of the New Mexico Public Education Department, the Albuquerque Area Southwest Tribal Epidemiology Center (AASTEC), and other partners.

School Health Profiles
Project Director: Theresa H. Cruz, PhD
Project Contact: Courtney FitzGerald, MSSW, MPH
The New Mexico Department of Health and Public Education Department conduct the School Health Profiles (Profiles) every other year in partnership with the UNM Prevention Research Center (PRC). The Profiles survey is conducted biennially at the state and national levels by CDC/DASH. Questionnaires are administered to middle and high school principals and lead health education teachers. The Profiles survey provides representative data on school health policies and practices. Education and health officials use Profiles data to help describe school health policies and practices and compare them across jurisdictions. Data from Profiles are also used to identify professional development needs, plan and monitor programs, and support health policies and legislation.

The survey is funded through the New Mexico Department of Health and in part through a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control, Division of Adolescent and School Health (CDC/DASH); United States Department of Education, Title IV, Safe and Drug Free Schools and Communities; and in collaboration with other units and divisions of the New Mexico Public Education Department, Albuquerque Public Schools, and other partners.
Principal Investigator for both surveys: Theresa H. Cruz, PhD
Main source of funding: New Mexico Department of Health, Epidemiology and Response Division