VIVA Projects
A Longitudinal Study of Physical Activity in the Rural Southwest
The University of New Mexico Prevention Research Center (PRC) engages rural communities to promote physical activity through creative adaptation of recommended evidence-based strategies. Partnering with Cuba, NM since 2009, VIVA—Step Into Cuba has studied the community’s successful translation and implementation of US Community Preventive Services Task Force (Community Guide) recommendations. It became the model for scaling up physical activity interventions to other rural communities, and spawned three more community-engaged studies, VIVA Connects, VIVA Connects Action Communities, and Healthy Places—Healthy People.
Using mixed methods, PRC researchers and their community partners study the processes, including barriers and facilitators, of putting research findings into practice. Dissemination of lessons learned are framed for presentation by community context, readiness, adaptability, and sustainability.

VIVA Programs