Shape the future of health care, health policy and science in New Mexico and beyond.
Our faculty are conducting cutting-edge research. Learn about and participate in their research studies.
Share your caregiver story with a healthcare provider in a research study being conducted by The University of New Mexico. Knowledge gained from your caregiver experiences is invaluable to improving patient health and outcomes in education of health care providers, and to inform health care policy. If you or someone you know assists or provides care to someone who has sustained an injury or is ill, we would very much like to hear from you. This will be a one-time commitment of no more than 60 minutes scheduled at your convenience.
Study Coordinator Lexie Roesch Clinical and Translational Science Center UNM Health Science Center 505-272-8893
Principal Investigator Patricia Watts-Kelley. PhD, RN, CAPT(ret)
HSC IRB #:22-263
Admissions & Recruitment
College of Nursing
Building 214
Strategic & Enrollment Services
Suite 1501
1 University of New Mexico