We investigate deaths to serve the living. Our work will improve health, safety and justice in New Mexico.
Values Statement
Compassion: We recognize that for each decedent there is a family and community with a need for accurate information to be delivered in a respectful, compassionate, sensitive and timely manner.
Public Service: Our investigations are a platform that supports the public health, public safety and criminal justice systems.
Integrity: We are objective and independent in our observations and conclusions.
Scholarship and Education: We advance medical and scientific knowledge and share our knowledge with learners on all levels.
Collaboration/Partnerships: We believe that interdisciplinary partnerships are an effective approach to solving medical, educational and research problems within and outside the organization.
Teamwork: We cultivate a positive, collaborative, and service and solutions-oriented environment by working together within the office and with our outside partners.
Respect: We treat our team members, partners, and collaborators with respect and recognize the importance of diversity in backgrounds and ideas.
Professionalism: We will advance the following beliefs: 1) we exist to serve the public's interest, 2) we will acquire and maintain the knowledge and technical skills necessary to perform our work, and 3) we will acquire and maintain the interpersonal skills necessary to work with decedent's families, our community partners, and within the organization. (Adapted from the American Board of Medical Specialties)