Questions about how you will pay for nursing school? Financial aid? Scholarships?
All degree seeking graduate students at The University of New Mexico College of Nursing who reside in a Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) state will be eligible for the Western Regional Graduate Program (WRGP) which is a tuition‐reciprocity arrangement. WICHE states include Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, Washington, Wyoming and the U.S. Pacific Territories and Freely Associated States.
Under WRGP, eligible students will be considered a non‐resident but will be assessed resident tuition rates for the duration of their program.
If you have any questions regarding this tuition-reciprocity program or other questions related to financial and scholarships, please contact our Office of Financial Aid at 505-272-0854 or by email-
Financial Aid Office
College of Nursing
Building 214
Strategic & Enrollment Services
Suite 1501
1 University of New Mexico