The College of Population Health faculty members listed below possess expertise in Maternal and Child Health and are committed to advancing the field through focused interventions and interdisciplinary approaches. Our faculty are leading experts who collaborate with health care providers, policymakers, and community organizations to address the unique health challenges faced by mothers, children, and families. Our mission is to empower population health students with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of maternal and child health and carefully assess community and individual needs, work in equitable cooperation with communities and individuals, and support the implementation of genuine change based on community partnerships to enhance lives.
Food Systems & Food Security, Maternal & Child Health, Public Health Policy & Law
Chronic Disease Prevention & Treatment, Food Systems & Food Security, Global Health, Maternal & Child Health, Older Adult Health, Public Health Policy & Law, School Health, Diabetes, Chronic Kidney Disease, Malnutrition, Diet Quality, Global Nutrition, Early Childhood Services, Clinical-Community Linkages
Behavioral & Mental Health, Border/Migrant Health, Community-Based Participatory Research, Global Health, Infectious Disease, Maternal & Child Health, Intersectionality, ethnic minority health, discrimination
Environmental Health/Climate Change, Biological Anthropology, Disparities, Pediatric Health, Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, Bone Health, Adiposity, Maternal & Child Health
Maternal & Child Health, Perinatal Epidemiology, Neuroepidemiology, Child Mental Health and ADHD, Social Epidemiology
Maternal & Child Health, Public Health Workforce Development
Food Systems & Food Security, Maternal & Child Health, Public Health Workforce Development
Behavioral & Mental Health, Community-Based Participatory Research, Food Systems & Food Security, Maternal & Child Health, Occupational Health, Public Health Genomics Education