Please visit the UNM Financial Aid Office website to review costs and calculators.
There are additional charges, besides tuition and fees, which some students may incur, dependingon a student's program of study.
All HSC students whose educational program includes clinical components are covered by needlestick insurance in the event of exposure to blood and body fluid. Please see the "blood and body fluid exposure" section of UNM's Student Health and Counseling Center site for procedures on how to be evaluated in the event of exposure.
Listed below are the forms and applications used by The University of New Mexico Financial Aid Office. Please check that you are selecting forms for the appropriate academic year. To see what forms are required of you for completion for your financial aid file, check LoboWeb.
The Financial Aid Office's forms section includes both online fillable forms and forms that must be printed and submitted to the appropriate school/college's Financial Aid Office.