The Wilderness Medicine Fellowship a rigorous one year-long experience designed to give the fellows experience in in mountain, wilderness, search and rescue, and emergency medical educational situations locally, nationally, and internationally. Through a combination of field work, conferences, clinical shifts in the ED and a series of fundamental didactics, fellows will gain experience in austere, mountain, and wilderness emergency medicine.
The fellow will have access to our department’s international experts in Wilderness, Austere, Disaster and International Emergency Medicine, along with their unique and long-standing relationships with other countries and programs that have been cultivated over several decades.
In addition, the fellow will be eligible to earn the prestigious Diploma in Mountain Medicine, endorsed by the UIAA (International Mountaineering and Climbing Federation), ICAR (International Commission for Alpine Rescue), and ISMM (International Society for Mountain Medicine).
There is built-in flexibility to accommodate the fellow’s career interests, The structure of the fellowship includes:
· Field work, local and abroad
· Clinical shifts in the ED (1-2 shifts per week average)
· Formal mentoring-didactic sessions, including both classroom learning and outdoor medical and technical skill practical sessions
· Involvement in various ongoing research projects (if desired)
· Medical education teaching at the Khumbu Climbing Center in Phortse, Nepal
· Attendance at WAM specific conferences and meetings (WMS, ISMM, ICAR, ACEP, or others)
· Co-directorship of Wilderness Medicine Elective and undergraduate Austere and Mountain Medicine course
· Operational involvement with University based mountain rescue team (Reach & Treat) and Bernalillo County Metro Air Support Unit (if desired)
· Teaching opportunities to local SAR and ski patrol teams.
· Other teaching duties as desired in the Department of Emergency Medicine
We welcome the serious applicant interested in collaborating with our group. Candidates must have completed an ACGME accredited emergency medicine residency. Your complete application will include:
· Letter of interest
· Current CV and 3 letters of recommendation
Miriam F. Bustillos
Program Coordinator
(505) 453-2925
Ryan Van Otten
Medical Education Program Manager
(505) 272-6524
Physical Address
Innovation & Discovery Training Center (IDTC)
700 Camino de Salud
Albuquerque, NM 87131