The UNM EMS Consortium Physician Field Response Program – a unique, state-approved EMS agency - provides emergency physician-level field response and support. While the majority of requests come from our partner agencies within the Greater Albuquerque Metropolitan Area, our EMS physicians may respond for mutual aid anywhere the State if requested, and available. Physicians respond in fully-equipped quick response vehicles to provide equipment and expertise not generally available to traditional EMS services, such as field amputation, ultrasound, rapid sequence intubation, video laryngoscopy, chemical extrication and sedation, blood products, etc. There is no charge to the requesting service or the patient.
Enhancing the education of EMS providers and quality of EMS care by offering real-time feedback at the scene or after while our fellows simultaneously learn about the complicated realities of EMS from the experts, the men and women of our partner Fire and EMS agencies.
EMS Physicians bring experience, special tools, skills and medications to complicated situations, such as:
High-risk patient refusals
Combative patients, with additional sedation options
Assistance with release at scene of patients with minor conditions, both for everyday incidents as well as for mass casualty incidents and disasters
Fireground rehab and HazMat situations
Response to occupational exposures and injured providers
Assistance with critical care inter-facility transports
Back-up to ILS/BLS units
Enhancing system design and functioning through direct feedback to training agencies, the Medical Control Board, and receiving hospitals and MCEPs
All physicians who participate in the program are board-certified or eligible emergency physicians or senior Emergency Medicine residents and have received specialty training to function as EMS Physicians in the field; many are board-certified in EMS and/or have extensive prior experience as prehospital care providers at the EMT to Paramedic level. At a minimum however, responding physicians possess the following training or equivalent:
Responses can be requested by any EMS agency through Albuquerque Base on Med 2 or phone at 505-449-5710, though in the case of limited availability, priority goes to UNM EMS Consortium partner agencies.
Department of Emergency Medicine
MSC11 6025
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Phone: (505) 272-5062
Fax: (505) 272-6503