Welcome to the University of New Mexico (UNM) Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences. Our residency training program seeks to graduate well trained eye surgeons through a rigorous curriculum that intentionalizes personal and professional growth tailored to the individual needs and experiences of each trainee. The UNM Ophthalmology Residency Program is a four-year integrated training program fully accredited by the Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education. It accepts three residents annually through SFMatch (https://www.sfmatch.org). We also accept applications for medical student away rotations. Applicants should apply through VSLO and will be contacted regarding approval once applications are reviewed. Rotations occur July through October of each year.
UNM Ophthalmology faculty are committed to residency education and work to maintain a balanced clinical and didactic experience. All ophthalmic subspecialties are represented, giving resident physicians broad exposure important for developing a robust knowledge base and aiding in career decision making. Clinical experiences are all within the city of Albuquerque. Vision research is encouraged, expected, and supported. The program meets all requirements of the American Board of Ophthalmology and ACGME Ophthalmology Residency Review Committee.
We take great pride in the cohesiveness and camaraderie among our residents, faculty members, and staff, and are committed to an educational, professional, and personal experience that is positive and productive. We are committed to training a modern ophthalmic work force that is prepared to care for the many communities we serve and understands the importance of clinical care as well as professionalism, ethics and respect for all members of our society. The UNM Ophthalmology residency is structured to give proper direction to the learning process while also supporting personal growth. Early clinical independence and exposure to the operating room is encouraged with graduated responsibility for professional development. We view participation in our residency as a lifetime commitment and encourage graduates to remain active with the Residency Program after leaving to continue supporting our educational mission.
Please take the time to review our website, and don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions regarding the training experience in Ophthalmology at UNM. You may wish to visit the UNM School of Medicine website for details regarding resident benefits and salary. If you are considering having children during residency, please see the UNM School of Medicine House Officers Regulations and Benefits Manual for the maternity/paternity leave policy.
All best,
James Chodosh, MD MPH