Western Journal of Orthopaedics (WJO), formerly known as The University of New Mexico Orthopaedics Research Journal, is a peer-reviewed publication of UNM Department of Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation. The Journal highlights original research relevant to orthopaedic-focused surgery and engineering, with the goal of MEDLINE indexing.
Submission deadline for WJO is November 15 at 11:59 pm Mountain Time. Email your submission (Title Page, Blinded Manuscript, each Figure file, each Table file) and questions to WJO@salud.unm.edu. Full submission instructions.
General Formatting Title Pages and Blinded Manuscripts must be submitted as Microsoft Word documents. WJO follows the style and format of the AMA Manual of Style (10th ed). Use Times New Roman, 12-point typeface and 1-inch margins. Use continuous line numbering, continuous page numbering in the upper-right corner, and double spacing. Spell out numbers less than 10 except measurements (eg, “4 days”). Only include up to 2 significant digits (eg, P = 0.05, P < 0.01). Use SI metric units.
Title Page List the title, authors’ names in the desired order of appearance, highest academic degree, associated affiliations, and any changed affiliations since the time of the study. Identify the corresponding author and his/her physical address and email. Include statements of 1) funding, 2) conflict of interest, 3) informed patient consent for case reports OR your Institutional Review Board approval number for all other research involving humans, and 4) Acknowledgments of non-authors who contributed if applicable.
Blinded Manuscript Excluding the references, abstract, tables, and figure legends, we will accept ≤3200 words for reviews; ≤2500 for scientific articles, pilot studies, and education articles; ≤1200 for case reports, technical notes, and new technology; and ≤1000 for reflections. All papers (except reflections) must include headings of Abstract, Introduction, Discussion*, References, and Figure Legends if figures are used. Variations are as follows: scientific and education articles include Methods and Results; *reviews and new technology articles use Conclusion instead of Discussion; new technology articles include Design; case reports include Case Report; pilot studies include Progress and Future Goals; and technical notes include Technique. Subheadings may vary but are generally not included in Introduction, Discussion, and Conclusion sections.
Abstract ≤250 words for scientific articles, structured into four paragraphs: Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions. ≤150 words for case reports, technical notes, new technology, and pilot studies (≤250 for reviews) in an unstructured paragraph format. Educational articles can fall into either category depending on study design. At the end, list 3-5 key words using MeSH terms.
References List in order of appearance (not alphabetically) and present in the text by superscript numbers. Format references in AMA Manual of Style (10th ed). All listed references must be cited in the text and vice-versa.
Tables/Figures Create each table on a separate Word document using the Word table function. Number each table, include a descriptive title, and add footnotes as needed (eg, to spell out abbreviations). Remove images from the text and save each one separately in 300 DPI as an EPS, TIFF, PPT, or JPEG file. Provide a brief descriptive legend for each figure in the last page of the Blinded Manuscript. In the figures, add markers (eg, asterisk) to identify noted parts. Provide information about obtained permission for unoriginal images. All figures and tables must be cited in the text.
We welcome all relevant orthopaedic and engineering submissions. We encourage manuscripts from faculty, fellows, residents, alumni, and colleagues. Thank you for considering WJO as an avenue to feature your research.
Research Manager
Laurie Wells
1 University of New Mexico
MSC10 5600
Albuquerque, NM 87131