Welcome to the UNM Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Sports Division research section. As part of our graduate medical education program objectives, resident physicians are required to complete two research projects during their residency and sports fellows are required to complete one research project annually.
We are involved in many areas of clinical research to expand the knowledge and available treatments for athletic injuries. As the flagship research university in the state, we are leaders in clinical, translational, and basic science research. We have nearly 40 active research projects in the sports division alone. Our ongoing research includes several grant-funded multi-center trials evaluating the treatment of knee dislocations, articular cartilage injuries, and use of mesenchymal stem cell treatments for knee osteoarthritis. Other clinical areas of interest include anterior cruciate ligament injuries and return to play, patella dislocation, and evaluating narcotic prescribing habits of orthopaedic physicians. Current biomechanical studies include a comparison of distal biceps fixation techniques and sagittal slope correction for revision ACL surgery.
At UNM, we are committed to contributing to the continuing evolution and understanding of musculoskeletal conditions through research and scholarship. Our faculty are experts in their respective fields holding leadership positions in several national and international Orthopaedic societies, serving as editors for leading Orthopaedic journals, lecturing and presenting UNM research on the podium at national and international meetings, and participating as Visiting Professors for other Orthopaedic departments across the country. Our faculty have published hundreds of peer-reviewed journal articles and chapters.
Dustin Richter, MD
Clinical Sports Medicine Residency Program Director
Research Manager
Leorrie Watson
1 University of New Mexico
MSC10 5600
Albuquerque, NM 87131