Medical School: University of North Texas |
Hometown: Plano, TX |
Email: |
Why UNM is My Choice for Residency: We're unionized, and this was a huge draw for me! I'm really passionate about serving underserved and marginalized patient populations, which we see a lot of here as the only dedicated children's hospital in the state. I've always been involved with political activism and advocacy, and there are plenty of ways to advocate for our patients at UNM. In addition to all of that, I loved my interview day! All the residents were so honest about their experiences here, and I really appreciated the authenticity of everyone. It's so hard to gauge people and programs through virtual interviews, but all the residents were friendly, kind, and genuine. They all talked about how they hang out together outside of work, and I love having a sense of community. Everyone I met was so welcoming, and I just felt a sense of belonging from the start!
Favorite Things About UNM: The cliche but true answer is the people! Our attendings are great! They really want to support you and see you succeed. My co-residents are the best! We really have each other's backs and enjoy spending time together outside of work! Also, you can't beat that view from the Tully Conference Room.
Favorite Things About NM: The mountains are beautiful, and when the weather isn't too scorching hot, hiking is a lot of fun! Albuquerque has a bunch of breweries, and once a week, we get together at a new brewery for "fluid rounds" with residents from other programs to hang out! I love watching The Bachelor franchise shows and going to trivia with my co-residents! There are a few farmer's markets that are always fun to meander through! There's always live music and good food to enjoy!