Open Dialogue is a heavily researched subject with a library of resources.
There is a strong convergence between Open Dialogue and recovery-oriented principles and practices. Both embrace recovery as a genuine process of revival and resiliency, which is grounded in hope, empowerment, and a supportive network. Open Dialogue creates democratic partnerships between professionals and the people they serve to restore productive and meaningful lives. Both the recovery perspective and Open Dialogue are reinforced by the knowledge that people with mental health and addiction problems can and do persevere and play meaningful roles in society.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently identified Open Dialogue as an approach to community mental health services and to crisis intervention services that are consistent with a human rights based approach.
Guidance on community mental health services: promoting person-centred and rights-based approaches. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021 (Guidance and technical packages on community mental health services: promoting person-centred and rights-based approaches). Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
Mental health crisis services: promoting person-centred and rights-based approaches. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2021 (Guidance and technical packages on community mental health services: promoting person-centred and rights-based approaches). Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
Launched in September 2012 and funded by the the UMMS/Finland OD initiative will develop practical tools for clinicians, program leaders, and researchers in the United States – and throughout the world – who hope to further investigate the OD approach.
The collaboration will produce several products to help with adaptation of the Open Dialogue model, including:
A psychotherapy-focused manual and fidelity tool for clinical interactions with individuals and families
A system-focused manual and fidelity tool for assessing program/organizational implementation.