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Biom 659
Thursdays | 9:30-10:30 a.m. | Reginald Heber Fitz Hall, room 205
Contact: Dr. Jay Naik
The Careers in Translational Science Seminar Series aims to broaden the exposure of graduate students, post-docs and other trainees at the HSC on the variety of career options within Biomedical Science. Whether it is forging ahead to make Translational discoveries, educating the next generation of scientists, or influencing national policy related to research, there are a variety of options for our various trainees to choose from. Speakers in this series represent the top of their respective fields and the paths that they have taken in their careers will serve as models for others who strive for excellence.
Contact Dr. Corey Ford if interested in attending
Work in Progress (WIP) Meeting
1st Wed of the month | 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. | Fitz Hall Fred Harvey Library Room 309
Contact: Jim Freed
Offered as BIOM 535
Thursdays | 12-1 p.m. | Reginald Heber Fitz Hall, room 303
Contact: Dr. Russell Morton
Fall 2019 Seminar Schedule
Mondays | 12-12:50 p.m. | Nursing/Pharmacy, Auditorium - Room 135
Contact: Dr. Todd Thompson
Thursdays | 4-5 p.m. | Biomedical Research Facility, room 118
Contact: Dr. Rebecca Hartley
Thursdays | 1-2 p.m. | Cancer Research Facility, room 104
Contact: Dr. Michelle Ozbun
Thursdays | 12-1 p.m. | Biopmedical Research Facility room 218
Contact: Dr. Raj Shah
Cardiovascular Biology (Biom 659)
Thursdays | 9:30-10:30 a.m. | Reginald Heber Fitz Hall, room 205
Contact: Dr. Jay Naik
Offered as BIOM 525 (Spring Terms)
Wednesdays | 12-12:50 p.m. | Domenici Center for Health Sciences Education, room 1735
Contact: Dr. Kiran Bhaskar
Tuesdays of the month | 9-10 a.m. | NRPH B28
Every second week, we have a joint journal club with the immunology journal club in the Fitz Hall Harvey Library at 9:30
Contact: Dr. Aaron Neumann or Dr. Pam Hall
Tuesdays | 10-11 a.m. | Reginald Heber Fitz Hall, room 389
Contact: Dr. Paul Mrass
Offered as BIOM 536
Fridays | 9-10 am | Reginald Heber Fitz Hall, room 243
Contact: Dr. Russell Morton
Wednesdays | 12-1 p.m. | Cancer Research Facility, room 204
Contact: Dr. Bridget Wilson
Offered as BIOM 527
Course offers new graduate students experience in oral presentation skills, experience in reading and discussing scientific literature and exposure to research seminars.
Restriction: admitted to Doctor of Medicine or PhD Biomedical Sciences, permission of department
Sessions are held on the third Tuesday of the month. Meetings are not held in July and December.
For more information about CTIP, contact Regis Lacher or Dr. Kim Page.
The Clinical and Translational Investigator Program (CTIP) is a unique two-year curriculum designed to facilitate scientific communication and accomplishment, and to provide a supportive environment for developing clinical and translational competencies in an informal and collegial atmosphere. The program is open to postdoctoral fellows, junior faculty and CTSC-affiliated scholars (including KL2 Mentored Career Development scholars and Master of Science in Clinical Research students). The aim is to provide a supportive environment for developing clinical and translational competencies.
Participants meet monthly to discuss their research, research ethics, and other topics related to conducting clinical and translational research. Each participant makes three presentations over a two-year period. The meetings also include didactic presentations that focus on clinical and translational research methods and cross-disciplinary research resources. receive feedback from their peers and faculty mentors, representing approximately 12 different departments in the School of Medicine, College of Pharmacy and College of Nursing.
The monthly meetings also include didactic presentations that focus on clinical and translational methods and cross-disciplinary research resources. Presentations have been given on study database management, comparative effectiveness research, engaging communities, clinical trials support FDA IND/IDE submission, among others. Core directors and specialists are invited to share information on resources available through the CTSC and other campus centers. The program is also effective at building collegiality among junior faculty and introducing researchers to others in different fields with similar interests.
During their first year in the Biomedical Sciences program, students (MS, PhD, MD/PhD) participate in lab rotations to help them identify research interests and mentors. After each rotation they give a short (5 min) presentation on their lab experience.
Lightning talks are typically held three times a year in October, January, and March. Dates and locations are announced in the weekly Research Education Office Digest and on this website when finalized.
BSGP Student Research Day 2024-2025 | TBA
Contact for an introduction to the current BSGSS student representatives for more information.
Student Research Day is a day-long event when BSGP students give short talks or present a poster regarding their research. A speaker is invited and the talk is followed by an open lunch for all students, faculty and post-docs. The best oral talks or poster presentations receive awards and recognition.
Research Day is coordinated by the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Student Society (BSGSS). This annual event is typically hosted in the Spring. Dates and locations are announced in the weekly Research Education Office Digest and on this website when finalized.
BSGP Fall Retreat 2024-2025 | Date: TBA | Location: TBA
Mailing Address
School of Medicine Research Education Office
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Phone: (505) 272-1887
Fax: (505) 272-8738
Physical Location:
UNM Health Sciences Center (North Campus)
Reginald Heber Fitz Hall (Building 211)
Room B61