Postdoctoral fellows are highly trained researchers who are interested in additional training opportunities to hone their independence, technical skills, and to focus their research interests. Post-docs are an integral piece of both the training and research missions of UNM. Post-docs represent the intellectual strength of our institution and are the drivers of UNM's research programs. They also provide a rich source of expertise that is invaluable in helping train graduate students and undergraduates at UNM.
UNM's goal is to provide quality research training and professional development opportunities for post-docs, with a special emphasis on developing training plans that are tailored to the career goals of individual post-doctoral fellows. Institutional support includes providing opportunities for post-docs to perform cutting-edge research, the availability ot NIH-supported (and other) training grants that provide financial and research support for projects, and access to educational and career development resources, counseling services, and job and grant opportunities. UNM also provides support and training for the mentors of post-doctoral fellows.
The UNM HSC hosts the Academic Science Education and Research Training (ASERT) program. This integrated program funds postdoctoral fellows for three years and provides research (75%) and teaching (25%) experiences. Fellows select an interdisciplinary research and education mentoring team from over 75 participating research and teaching mentors. Research is performed at UNM and teaching opportunities are based on a partnership between the University of New Mexico and other regional institutions.
This is a valuable, free publication for postdocs and new faculty that offers practical advice and experiences from seasoned biomedical investigators and includes chapters on laboratory leadership, getting funded, project management, and teaching and course design.
For information on events and opportunities:
UNM-wide Postdoc list, subscribe.
HSC-wide Postdoc list, subscribe.
Dr. Kathryn Sánchez was recently named as one of six 2022-23 IMPACT Fellows by the National Postdoc Association. The IMPACT Fellowship Program was launched last year to empower postdoctoral scholars from underrepresented backgrounds to build skills, understand strengths and develop networks. Dr. Sánchez was selected after a highly competitive application process. Dr. Sánchez looks forward to community building in New Mexico as an IMPACT Fellow and is excited to work with colleagues from all over the country. She also hopes to learn from them as we build our local UNM Post-Doc Association.
UNM's Postdoc Association (PDA) is here to help support our Postdocs. For more information visit our website.
UNM has purchased an institutional membership to the National Postdoc Association which provides all UNM postdocs access to their many wonderful resources, including workshops, career development tools, and job postings.
Register for your free membership as part of UNM's Sustaining NPA institution status:
NOTE: review and activation of your registration will take a couple of days.
Mailing Address
School of Medicine Research Education Office
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM 87131
Phone: (505) 272-1887
Fax: (505) 272-8738
Physical Location:
UNM Health Sciences Center (North Campus)
Reginald Heber Fitz Hall (Building 211)
Room B61