You Will Be Prepared.
Completing the Nursing Education Program prepares you to:
- Demonstrate effective leadership skills and decision-making in the educational environment.
- Demonstrate effective communication in intraprofessional and interprofessional teamwork and collaboration.
- Analyze and apply biophysical and psychosocial concepts of health and illness to educational environments and practice settings.
- Apply key concepts from advanced pharmacology, pathophysiology and physical assessment to nurse educator roles and practice.
- Develop, analyze and evaluate nursing curricula, teaching strategies, assessment and evaluation methods, and program outcomes.
- Critically utilize research findings that have relevance for intervening with patients and families and that are the basis for education of nursing students.
- Integrate the use of information systems and communication technologies, resources and learning principles in the education of students, clients and/or other health care team members.
- Synthesize and apply the core competencies of the AACN (American College of Nursing) and the NLN (National League for Nursing) in different educator roles related to a variety of educational environments.