We are pleased to provide video recordings of presentations representing some of our work together since 2021. Each of these can be used for educational purposes in classes or in other venues.
“500 Years of Resiliency: Courageous Conversations on Racial Healing, Justice and Equity Policy" Transdisciplinary Research, Equity and Engagement Center.
Racial Healing Dialogues, September 10, 2021
30 minutes of a two-hour webinar sponsored by the TREE Center in September 2020, moderated by Dr. Lisa Cacari Stone, Dr. Kiran Katira, with featured leaders, Dr. Wanda Padilla-Ross, Nadine Tafoya, Roberto Chené, and Lucy Moore.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIY5qIfB_S0&t=3803s (1.75 hours)
All of these led to meaningful dialogues and we need to continue to identify how best to integrate this knowledge into our education and research. We have a history in public health and of integrating anti-racism and equity into our curriculum, but as with all academic units across the country, we still have a ways to go in integrating diversity, equity, inclusion, justice and anti-racism into our policies and procedures.