Welcome to the University of New Mexico Health and Health Sciences Research Development Office (RDO), a unit of the Office of Research. Our vision is to expand UNM’s capabilities to discover and share new knowledge and promote transformative growth in research, education, clinical care, and health equity in New Mexico.
We serve the research development needs of faculty and their teams across UNM Health and Health Sciences, including the College of Nursing, College of Pharmacy, College of Population Health, School of Medicine, and Health Sciences Library and Informatics Center. We provide resources for pursuing extramural funding, from identifying appropriate opportunities, coordinating support services, and creating partnerships, to developing competitive proposals. We also provide access to interprofessional collaboration, grant writing resources, research career training, and mentorship.
RDO resources and services include:
Larissa Myaskovsky, PhD
Director of Faculty Research Development
Kara McKinney, MA
Associate Director for Research Development
Office: 505-272-0885
Physical Location:
Health Sciences and Services Building
Mailing address:
MSC 08 4560
1 University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, NM 87131