Research Strategic Planning Committee (RSPC)
The Research Strategic Planning Committee (RSPC) was founded in 2005 by the Dean of the School of Medicine at the UNM Health Sciences Center and was later broadened to include the entire Health Sciences Center by the Executive Vice President of Health Sciences in 2007. RSPC informs and advises the Vice President for Research (VPR) on issues related to the research enterprise at UNM Health Sciences to inform strategic planning and research policies and ensure internal coordination and open line of communication with the VPR.
Specific duties and expectations include:
RSPC is chaired by the Health Sciences VPR and comprised of school/college, departmental and center research leadership. Members are nominated to join by their respective College/School Deans, Department Chairs, and the VPR. The VPR convenes the regular meetings and works with all members to identify key agenda items. The VPR ensures that the RSPC’s strategic priorities and recommendations are communicated to the Executive Vice President of UNM Health Sciences and other institutional leadership as applicable.
Specific duties and expectations include:
RSPC is chaired by the Health Sciences VPR and comprised of school/college, departmental and center research leadership. Members are nominated to join by their respective College/School Deans, Department Chairs, and the VPR. The VPR convenes the regular meetings and works with all members to identify key agenda items. The VPR ensures that the RSPC’s strategic priorities and recommendations are communicated to the Executive Vice President of UNM Health Sciences and other institutional leadership as applicable.
The Top Slice Committee
The Top Slice Committee is convened by the Executive Vice President for UNM Health Sciences and tasked with evaluating expenditures and making annual budget recommendations and adjustments. Additionally, the committee projects F&A revenue for the following year. The Committee meets weekly from January to March. Selected programs related to budget line items are invited to present to the committee, to report on their program’s goals and outcomes, expenditures, and budget requests.
The committee is chaired by the UNM Health Sciences Vice President for Research.
The committee is chaired by the UNM Health Sciences Vice President for Research.